White "gel" stuck on to my chicken's butt? Please help! Emergency!

Can you post photos?

Is she unresponsive now?

It looks like she had albumen hanging from the vent, did she expel a soft shell membrane?

Unfortunately Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate) won't help with this situation.
TUMS is Calcium Carbonate, what we need is the Calcium, not sodium.

Does your Mom have any Calcium (vitamins) that she takes?

If not, that's o.k.

Since she's not doing well. I wouldn't give her any more soakings. You can place her in a steamed up bathroom or provide her with a heating pad set on low (place a towel or a couple of puppy pads over the pad for protection).

Work on getting her hydrated. Sugar water would be good, if you have regular Gatorade (not zero or sugar free) or pedialyte, you can use those.

She very likely has a membrane or a soft shelled egg that she needs to expel. This can make them not feel well.
Her being exhausted is worrisome.
Can you post photos?

Is she unresponsive now?

It looks like she had albumen hanging from the vent, did she expel a soft shell membrane?

Unfortunately Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate) won't help with this situation.
TUMS is Calcium Carbonate, what we need is the Calcium, not sodium.

Does your Mom have any Calcium (vitamins) that she takes?

If not, that's o.k.

Since she's not doing well. I wouldn't give her any more soakings. You can place her in a steamed up bathroom or provide her with a heating pad set on low (place a towel or a couple of puppy pads over the pad for protection).

Work on getting her hydrated. Sugar water would be good, if you have regular Gatorade (not zero or sugar free) or pedialyte, you can use those.

She very likely has a membrane or a soft shelled egg that she needs to expel. This can make them not feel well.
Her being exhausted is worrisome.
She does walk away when I pet her continuously, though (just a little step) and does chirp a bit when I come, but most of the time she has her eyes closed (sleeping?).
I don't have any calcium that neither of my parents take, only eggshells. They said it could replace it on the internet.
I can get her sugar water right now. Is there anything else that would help her get the egg out?
I just fed her sugar water, she drank at least 1 cup. Any suggestions on what I should let her eat?
It's good that she's still drinking. I'd leave a little bowl of plain water and some regular food (moistened crumbles/pellets is good) in front of her so she can eat and drink as she wants. If she doesn't seem to drink plain water you can keep offering a little sugar water a few times a day.

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