White "gel" stuck on to my chicken's butt? Please help! Emergency!

we already have a card board mat that usually helps her when she’s outside. I have given her calcium and some cephalexin today already, she seems to be doing better and has been eating and drinking more on her own. I took her out for some fresh air and she wouldn’t stop eating grass. One of her poops is starting to look more firm and normal again, while the others are still pretty watery. Thanks for all the help! Will keep this updated.
I agree, I'd make grit (crushed granite) available for her.

Sounds like she's making some progress, I'd keep up with what you're doing for a few days and see how it goes.
Yes. My dad was checking on her when she jumped out of the box, so he took her outside and let her join the flock (there was no grass or anything else except feed and water). She wasn't ver active outside, but still ate some worms. I took her in afterwards because she is still a little weak. After she's inside her box again, she started making these deep/low trills, I don't think these means happy or relaxed and was making funny sounds for a bit and than stopped. Might that mean she was lonely and wanted company from another chicken?
Yes. My dad was checking on her when she jumped out of the box, so he took her outside and let her join the flock (there was no grass or anything else except feed and water). She wasn't ver active outside, but still ate some worms. I took her in afterwards because she is still a little weak. After she's inside her box again, she started making these deep/low trills, I don't think these means happy or relaxed and was making funny sounds for a bit and than stopped. Might that mean she was lonely and wanted company from another chicken?
Possibly - mine sometimes do a "roll call" at night. I wouldn't turn her out with the others full time until she can hold her own. When mine come in the house, which is quite often lately, they stay in a large dog crate that my husband has made carpeted roosts for. If you have a dog crate, it might work better for her than a box.

This her today. Doing a lot better!
Also today Jelly was a lot more “cluckier” and was eating and drinking more. When my dad put her outside yesterday she looked a bit like sick again but today she’s acting like she’s completely healed. Do you guys think she’s ready to be out with the flock again or should I keep her in for a few more days?
Oh yes, I didn’t mention her name once in the entire thread, don’t know why. Anyway, her name’s Jelly, but I usually call her Jellyfish. She was named as a trio along with her two sisters, Peanut and Butter, as Peanut Butter Jelly.
I love the name!

If you think she's regained her strength, then try putting her with her flock at least part of the day to help re-integrate her. See that she's not getting beaten up or bullied, etc.

Hopefully things are going to continue to go well for her.
Ok. I put Jelly out today and she was obviously happy to be back. First thing she did was to peck the three younger pullets announcing “I’m still the boss!” until Yellowie, the “Queen” came over and pecked her on the head HARD. She did not dare to get anywhere near her for that whole afternoon.
Buuuuut anyways she is definitely doing much better. We are letting her sleep outside tonight with the flock and seeing how it goes.

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