White Leghorn gender (2) six-week olds


8 Years
Apr 27, 2011
Rio Linda, CA
My Buff Orp hatched these 2 chicks from Trader Joe eggs. They are about 6 and a half weeks old. From the begining we knew TJ was a little roo by his outgoing behavior, slower feathering and his ever growing red comb! We thought (and hoped) that TiaJuanita was a pullet because she feathered faster, is more shy and had a smaller comb. However, both combs look very red and roosterish now.
Tia is still shy, has a 'smaller' comb and has longer feathers....Could she possibly be a pullet?

Both pictures show TJ on the left side and Tia Juanita on the right side.

And a side shot:
I am no expert, but my leghorns are 17 weeks tomorrow and all of their combs were very small and yellow until a few weeks ago. Think they both might be roos.
I say you have two roosters for sure :-/ my leghorn pullets are 10 weeks old and do not have red combs like that at all. :( sorry!
Well, I guess we just about wrote the same post. I too am questioning my 11 week old buff orp/Leghorns. I posted under that title. Our birds could be twins. Good luck I hope you have a pullet too.
Wow! Did I get some wide and varied guesses!

I agree they both look like roosters in regard to their "redness", but I'm really curious if anyone ever had a WL chick (or other breed) that got the red comb and wattles and turned out to be a hen after all?
...sure am hoping.
Were they labeled as White Leghorns, or do you know that's what they use? Isn't it possible they are using some sort of production hybrid?

Why were trader joe eggs under your chicken?

TJ sometimes sells fertile eggs. Why not put them under a broody? Clearly some can hatch. If you search for "trader joes" or "whole foods" and "fertile eggs" here on BYC you will see that many people do this.

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