White leghorn - lethargic, diarhhea, not eating or drinking, comb 'unhealthy'

Sick white leghorn2.jpg
Sick white leghorn3.jpg
Been tube feeding her once a day (runny good quality mash, so she's getting some fluids, with some corrid and probiotics). Started antibiotics (amoxicillan) 2 days ago. No visible improvement. I thought she was dead this morning, but she wasn't.
She stank so badly from the ooze that comes out of her (although she also passes nice looking stools) and there were even maggots (I hope just in the poop and not in her, but I don't know) so I thoroughly washed her again.
I also checked inside her vent in case there was an egg stuck. I inserted a lubed finger about 2" in and felt nothing strange.
Her keel is really sticking out because she has barely eaten for about 2 weeks now.
She cannot stand, barely moves day after day, and hasn't laid any eggs for at least a week. Her tail is now turned down.
Here are some photos of her abdomen and hind area - the photos don't show how swollen and red she really is.
Her breathing seems deep and requiring effort.
I'm thinking congestive heart failure? What else could it be? I am worried that I am just being cruel trying to treat her, and should just put her down.
Help please...
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I euthanized her. Poor girl. :(
So sorry that you lost her. I have not been online much today, so Indidn’t see the earlier posts. Her dark skin on her belly looks like mine did when she was suffering from ascites (water belly.) It is good that she is not suffering anymore.

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