White leghorn pullet or Roo?

Help! Do I have a pullet or a roo? I’m driving myself crazy looking at google images.
She/he is 14 weeks now.
Thank you! I kept going back and forth with the longer feathers at the bottom of his neck and today I took pictures of some of my girls and looking back through them I saw the saddle feathers.

Next question:
If sugar is in fact a boy then I will have 16 hens. Is that too many for one rooster? I didn’t particularly want a rooster but I rolled the dice with him and one other but she’s definitely a hen. (Or at least I think…) aw geez here’s Dot. I hope she’s a she 🫣
That's a cockerel, too.
oh crap lol. Well, with two cockerels and 15 hens, is that an ok balance in theory? I have 10 girls who are 6 months old and all laying and then 5 others that are also about 14-15 weeks, not yet laying.
I've had the ratio before, and they all lived just fine. But, it varies from person to person.
It also helps when they grow up together, like in your case.

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