white on tips of feathers?


10 Years
Jun 10, 2009
It is really cold here and i have been doing a lot to prepare for the next couple of days. I realized that on the back of some of the chicken's necks where the feathers are more like quills there is this white powder attached to the ends. It looks exactly like soft, thin frost. Anyone else out there experience this? And if this is frost than does this indicate that they are really not as warm as I thought? Only some have this to remind you and it doesn't seem to bother them none. They don't huddle on the roost at night either. ANY info would be appreciated.
I'm glad that it isn't frost.
Could you explain what it is a little more though? I'm not sure I get it all that well.
If you look at the feathers starting to grow in, when they are still like little porcupine quills, you will see that they are covered in a sheath or cuticle. Sort of like the part of a shoelace tip that is wrapped in plastic to keep it from fraying when you push it through the holes, yes? As the featehr grows out and expands and becomes a real feather, the material of that cuticle flakes away. Some of it is fine dust and some of it is in sort of mica-like flakes.

If you want to convince yourself the stuff isn't frost, wipe some onto your fingers. If it melts, it was frost (but I'm pretty certain yours isn't) - if it stays there, it is chicken dust/dander/etc

Good luck, have fun,

Oh wow that makes a whole lot of sense now.
And now that I think about it that may be the one that had a spot on her neck that had been getting bald for a little bit there. I never thought about that with the freezing temps on my mind. Thank you so much. Now, this brings up another question
that I hope you can answer. If these feathers are comuing back in will the ones on the hens back right above her tail do the same thing or do I need to put a saddle on her?
You might have to--depending on your rooster. Or, if you have five roosters and two hens! The feathers will come back if the new ones arent constantly worn off. I got some chickens one that the guy told me were production birds so that is why they are "bare!" Well, they are fully feathered now! Still laying eggs but I have a bunch of girls to only a few roosters. HTH--Terri O in WI

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