White silkie bantams... *sigh*


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 5, 2012
Epping, NH
I am pretty good at sexing the normal chickens at this point, but silkies are a mystery to me. This is my first year with them and they are bantams on top of it. Here are a few pictures. I'm trying to figure out if I have a rooster amongst them. No biught them at tractor supply in March 29th... they were day old, so they are 9 weeks old.


That's what I was thinking, too, so I'm glad that you do, too. I was able to pick out pullets from the straight run wyandottes and RIR's, but the bantams are just a grab bag... LOL. I only ended up with one cockerel out of all of the standard straight run birds and that was because I didn't ask for specific ones that day. I was getting sexed pullets and decided to toss a couple wyandottes in for fun and they just grabbed them. The next time I brought the kids and we picked them out individually.

Thank you so much for looking and offering your opinion.

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