White Sport Cream Legbars

Here are some pictures of the chicks, can anyone tell me what sex they are? Here are the three of them together. A closer view of the chick on the far right of the first picture. A closer look at the center chick. A closer look at the chick on the left. And here is my older White Sport Cream Legbar, hen or roo?
2 girls 1 boy. And the older one looks like a cockerel, but I could be wrong
white Girl or boy? my guess girl

4 days old today

I am still going with a girl, thoughts? was hatched 3/19 (but what do I know? ha ha ha the boys already have big combs and wattles, thats what I am going by lol)

Good Morning Sally Sunshine! When you first posted this one I thought boy, then the 4 week updates I wasn't as convinced. Any updates?
My white cockerel hatched on February 28 and the white pullet hatched on March 8. I joined the American British Poultry Club who sponsored and online virtual show. The judge was an orpington specialist in the UK. She considered white, cream, and gold toned cream legbars as separate varieties within the cream legbar breed. I am happy to say that this white boy was judged a Reserve Champion in the AOSB class.

My white cockerel hatched on February 28 and the white pullet hatched on March 8. I joined the American British Poultry Club who sponsored and online virtual show. The judge was an orpington specialist in the UK. She considered white, cream, and gold toned cream legbars as separate varieties within the cream legbar breed. I am happy to say that this white boy was judged a Reserve Champion in the AOSB class.
Congrats! He is very lovely.
My white cockerel hatched on February 28 and the white pullet hatched on March 8. I joined the American British Poultry Club who sponsored and online virtual show. The judge was an orpington specialist in the UK. She considered white, cream, and gold toned cream legbars as separate varieties within the cream legbar breed. I am happy to say that this white boy was judged a Reserve Champion in the AOSB class.

Really wonderful looking boy! I hope he continues to mature nicely for you. I especially like his comb/crest and back, although the white color is stunning.

I am glad you posted the comment by the UK judge. I have come to the realization that we have been calling our beloved breed Cream Legbar, but that technically Legbar is the breed and Cream is the variety, so the white sports are properly White Legbars (not White Cream Legbars). Sort of like Blue Andalusians--Andalusian is the breed, Blue is the variety and we call them by the full name Blue Andalusian. If there were a white sport pop out, they would be properly called a White Andaluslian, not a White Blue Andalusian. Type makes breed and color makes variety.

The experienced breeders in the APA recommend starting with a solid colored breed if you are new to breeding. They think that a solid color is much easier to work with initially becasue it allows you to focus on type and you only have to worry about simple color culls. I interpret that to mean that the White Legbar may be easier to get APA approval of than the parent variety Cream Legbar, if enough breeders start showing! Maybe its time to get a white variety standard written. Have you been working on one by any chance?
Elissa, the color section would be very easy to write ;) same as other varieties except all feather sections are white :p

So sorry about calling you the wrong person!
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My white cockerel hatched on February 28 and the white pullet hatched on March 8. I joined the American British Poultry Club who sponsored and online virtual show. The judge was an orpington specialist in the UK. She considered white, cream, and gold toned cream legbars as separate varieties within the cream legbar breed. I am happy to say that this white boy was judged a Reserve Champion in the AOSB class.

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