White Sport Cream Legbars

I know:) i just want to make a bird that looks like one. I have pure Legbars but to my knowledge they do not carry the recessive white gene. I had one in my flock from 2012 but i dont have that flock anymore.

Give me a year and I might have some to sell. If I get more I hope to breed them, just for the novelty of them. They should breed true. I am even reconsidering splitting my flock to keep the chances to get more of these.
Aloha kākou,

If you have a white sport, it has the white recessive gene on both chromosomes. If you breed that to regular CLs, unrelated even better, the offspring will all look normal but will carry the recessive gene on one chromosome and the color gene on the other. Then, if you breed these two offspring together, you will get about 25% white sport.

CC + cc = Cc, Cc, Cc, Cc. Then.....

Cc + Cc = CC, Cc, Cc, cc The cc is the white sport, the CC does not carry the recessive white gene.

Aloha, Puhi
Hi.. I Just found this thread, I was going to brag about my white cream legbar on a cream legbar thread and found this one. Here is the one I hatched yesterday. She/he is my second one this year the first was weak and had bad legs and died in 2 days. This one is strong and seems very active.
That's so awesone! I have plans to try and replicate a white Legbar by crossing my CL roo with a white Leghorn, since it seems the only way to obtain one right now. They are so pretty, keep posting pics please as he/she grows!
If you cross leghorns and Legbars you will not get the auto sexing trait. So you will not have accomplished replicating the white sport, you will have a white cross bred chicken that lays blue eggs.
I have a White Legbar, I got her egg as a freebie with some OE eggs I got from a local breeder. She hatched looking like a very pale male and it totally threw me off, but thankfully she turned out to be a hen who lays beautiful blue eggs <3

Excuse the poor quality of the pictures, she's sitting up on the waterer.
If you cross leghorns and Legbars you will not get the auto sexing trait. So you will not have accomplished replicating the white sport, you will have a white cross bred chicken that lays blue eggs.


Nevermind, I thought you were responding to my picture of my white sport.

I have had to move my CLB's out of a large pen into two smaller ones, I (fingers crossed) have not split up the pair that gives me the white sports.
If you cross leghorns and Legbars you will not get the auto sexing trait. So you will not have accomplished replicating the white sport, you will have a white cross bred chicken that lays blue eggs.

I know, some call them Sapphires. I havnt made any yet, but from the pictures ive seen of them they look like the white Legbar I hatched in 2012
Got a little white sport from a test hatch for the Easter HAL(not my hatch or eggs was given the chicks)

Will try to post pics later. Was told it may have a vaulted skull as it appears to have a very large crest for this reason we are unsure of gender yet. I so hope it's a pullet. It didn't do very well at first I was told (I believe it was a day 23-24 hatch- unassisted as the breeder had problems with a power outage and possibly temp issues too) seems to be doing well now but is wearing some good looking footwear to try and correct some slightly curled toes. I'm guessing courtesy of being in the egg so long, of three legbar eggs they set only this one hatched. They did eggtopsy one of the other two eggs and it was a normal colored chick, the third was starting to decompose so they didn't open the membrane to that one.

So glad to finally own a legbar and I can't wait to get more. Hoping to get some eggs from the breeder sometime soon if possible
I have 24 CLB eggs hatching today. I have the little girl White Sport from last weeks hatch.

My first CLB to hatch last was a White Sport, it appears to be a boy! Which means in 5-6 months I will have my breeding pair of White Sports!

The Cream Legbar have White Leghorns in its creation and the North American lines possibly have White Leghorns out crosses in thier line too. Many of the White Leghorn lines are build with multiple dilutors. The dominate white from any such outcross or from the origins of the breed is easily breed out, but the recessive white can be passsed from generation o generation with out ever showing up.
Another alternative source for the recessive White could be the Barred Plymouth Rocks, which were used to create the Gold Legbars. So - not easy to trace it back definitely, where the recessive White originates from.
Another alternative source for the recessive White could be the Barred Plymouth Rocks, which were used to create the Gold Legbars. So - not easy to trace it back definitely, where the recessive White originates from.

Another thing that does happen is some people purposely breed in a different breed into their CLB's to make lighter roosters for show. While this might get them a ribbon from an unsuspecting judge, it does tend to dilute the CLB in my humble opinion. As a buyer of chicks or eggs you are not going to know this has happened.

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