White Sport Cream Legbars


I live in a neighborhood. My first 4 chickens were 4 male Blue Copper Marans. That sucked!

Now I can guarantee female chicks, and yes "culling" is a nice word. It sucks. If only those beautiful roosters would shut up!

Looks like I started quite a conversation.

Aloha, Puhi

I live in a neighborhood. My first 4 chickens were 4 male Blue Copper Marans. That sucked!

Now I can guarantee female chicks, and yes "culling" is a nice word. It sucks. If only those beautiful roosters would shut up!

Looks like I started quite a conversation.

Aloha, Puhi
I can understand that too...

Yep, culling "vacuums".... I bought 7 cuckoo Marans this summer. I ordered 7 Straight run thinking I would get 3-4 of each. I got 5 roosters and 2 pullets. They are auto sexing. I cannot help but think whoever packed them and sent them to me knew they were screwing me over.

If they had not been auto-sexing I would have a much higher opinion of that breeder than I do now..

Thanks for your input, it is an interesting topic. Especially when the auto sexing IMHO of white sports is so iffy.

We just had our first hatch of CL. We got this little guy, who I am told may be a white sport. I admit that this terminology was new to me. Can anyone give me a guess in the sex? Thank you!

We just had our first hatch of CL. We got this little guy, who I am told may be a white sport. I admit that this terminology was new to me. Can anyone give me a guess in the sex? Thank you!

You really need an overhead shot with the proper lighting (need to experiment) to see if you can make out any of the chipmunk pattern before you can really take a stab at guessing the sex...
I would post better pics in a couple of days when the gunk has work off and the baby is fluffy.

If they do decide to take pictures is should be from directly overhead and from behind (see image at the bottom) and they should try different lighting (indoor/outdoor bright/dim) and different camera settings to see if they can get the chipmunk pattern to pop... The autosexing trait will vary in birds, but if it's strong the white gene doesn't fully mute it in the chicks fluff and sexing may be possible...

The autosexing is one of the things I'm going to try and focus on with my White Sports... I'm also going to experiement with specific light colors to see what light color makes it pop the most...

This is the angle the photo should be taken at...


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