White Wyandotte.. pullet?


May 13, 2018
This is our Sweetie- 12 weeks old and we still have no idea if it's a pullet or cockerel. I've looked for pointed saddle feathers and haven't found any, but it's got an attitude for sure! Just looking for opinions and hoping we can cross it off of the "to be processed" list!
i'm gonna say cockeral. thats a lot of comb for a 12 week old wyandotte.
I have a BLRW and another White Wyandotte, both with large combs so I was assuming all we're cockerels- but this one looks much different as far as body shape and feathering. I will post a picture of both of them so that you can see the difference!
This is our Sweetie- 12 weeks old and we still have no idea if it's a pullet or cockerel. I've looked for pointed saddle feathers and haven't found any, but it's got an attitude for sure! Just looking for opinions and hoping we can cross it off of the "to be processed" list! View attachment 1447242
Almost 100% positive that is a cockerel. I am soo jealous! I love white Wyandottes and can't find them anywhere in the country I live in!
I received two of them in my straight run assortment from a hatchery! They have such great personalities!
Wow!! Our hatcheries up here don't carry that color in that breed :he. I love Wyandotte personalities!! They are such great birds! I'll never end my search for them, even if it takes importing them from another country :p

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