Who are the noisiest chickens you have?

Barred Rock, hands down. She cusses up a storm trying to get let out into the garden, growls and constantly mutters for no apparent reason. This is the one that absolutely will not squat for me if she can help it. Will not be held, but first for treats and following me or the cat. Stupid bird. Taught all the others how to hop up on top of the waterer to try and jump out the upper door.
Great thread! I'll be keeping an eye on it as I decide on the breed of chickens I want.
One of my Easter eggers. She is a drama queen every time she lays an egg. It begins about an hour before the egg is even laid. She fusses, and clucks, and screeches and scoots around in the box. She arranges the hay just so about a million times.

Then after she lays, she squawks for a long time like she wants to annouce it.

The others are pretty quiet.
My 2 buff orp hens, when they lay there eggs....my goodness, they let the whole world know and then of course my BR rooster, he's a major crower! Now if I have more then one BR hens laying, it can get pretty noisy.

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