who collects thier chickens feathers? what to do with them?


11 Years
Jul 16, 2008
I started innocently enough, picking up a stray feather, It was either a tiny one or a big tail feather. The more different types/colors of chickens, more feathers collected. filled tiny vases with feathers on kitchen windowsill,
have them in pint canning jars lined up on counter.
What do other feather collectors do with these beauties?
How many others pick up featehrs too?
What to do with them? Every time I put on a jacket,
I have feathers in every pocket.
I thought hatching eggs was an addiction! What about feather collecting?
My son made a dream catcher with feathers from his pet chickens.

And when visitors come out to the farm they usually like picking a few up to take home....
My DH picks up ours and sticks them in a vase. He calls the tail feathers from our rooster his pimp feathers.
Pillows? Feathered hats?

(Pillows, of course, depends on just how many you end up with.)

I'm even more driven than keeping feathers, myself. I keep the soft long fur from my Birman cat's brushings, because one of these days I will have enough to spin into yarn and make a scarf or something.
on the hendersons breed chart thing, it said some of the breeds had feathers that were prized for something to do with fishing... fly ties? Is that a real thing of am I making it up?
I have used the feathers of my beautiful white silkeys to make christmas ornaments and I made a card to their "chickey daddy" and pasted the feathers to look like the chicken's shapes. (He got a dozen eggs along with the card on 'father's' day. He and my daughter raised them from babies in their apartment until they could give them to me for christmas. They got so attached we called them the chickey Mommy and Daddy.)
Last 'father's' day, he got a green grass framed photo of them decorated in one corner with some of the poofy feathers.
Pasting them around a mirror might look really 'glam' or you could make a poofy pin if the mirror seems too much!
I keep the nicest ones like you, in a ziplock in my craft room, so am ready whenever the muse strikes.
I collect feathers from all birds, every one I find... Still haven't found what to do with them yet.. But the collection is quite something to look at, I even collect egg shells I find, sea shells and snake skins etc.

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