Who done it?

It took me quite an amount of force to pry the bent cage trap door back open so I know it’s something that’s pretty strong.

How they managed to do that and break out without knocking the cinder block off beats me.
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I had also tied the bait down so they couldn’t run off with it…Hence why they were unable to.

Here’s a side view of the old damaged cage trap:

ETA* And here’s the new cage trap that I just bought and started using last night:
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An adult boar coon can do that. I have to keep an air compressor on top of a heavy duty plastic tote that has feed in it. Not like from the dollar store the ones that have the split tops that are shipping containers. They are extremely strong and will throw pretty much anything under 30lbs off if it to get to the feed. They can do crazy things when they half to
I think you’re right, @sdm111

Do you think they’re the ones who are responsible for killing multiple wild turkeys in 1 night too?
That cage may fit a yearling black bear, poss a 100 lb-er but not anything bigger. Any hair in the trap? I would expect claw or teeth marks if it was a bear. Same with cougar. Not sure about bobcat.
My opinion is not an apex predator. I agree with @sdm111
That cage may fit a yearling black bear, poss a 100 lb-er but not anything bigger. Any hair in the trap? I would expect claw or teeth marks if it was a bear. Same with cougar. Not sure about bobcat.
My opinion is not an apex predator. I agree with @sdm111
There are no bears around here that I know of…I’m definitely thinking it’s the raccoons cause there’s serious drought going on right now.
Did it destroy it to get out? I had a cage like that one and an armadillos broke out of it and it looked like that. Had to re-inforce it with steel.

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