Who else got chicken Christmas gifts?

Got a fake pile of dog poo.

Mom thought it was a rock. When I started laughing she explained that it was "the cornerstone" to my coop. It was a key hider with a $100 check in it so I can (hopefully) get the last bits to finish my coop before spring.
I got a hen-on-nest dish and an apron with Welsummer roosters on it.
(I got a cookbook with the apron too.) Mom decided to break out of pattern this year and not buy us calendars, so I'm going to buy one myself... Try to find a chicken one, or at least poultry.
This is my calendar

excuse the mess/presents everywhere. This year we had a big Christmas at a family members place. Lots of kids running around.


The chair is huge and I am small
not a good match.
I got a huge suprise from a friend who came and kidnapped three of my chickens while I was at work, took them and had pictures made brought them back to their pen and this is the picture that I got in my Christmas card.
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Our good friends and neighbors came over for new years dinner with us. They brought us a card and on the outside was a stamp that said a " life changing gift has been made in your name". I knew right then they got us chickens! They donated two chickens in our name to World Vision. It is a humanitariuan organization working to eliminate poverty. The two chickkens will be given to provide a lasting source of nutrition and income for a family. ( www.worldvisiongifts.org)

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