Who else hates that FB thing where people answer questions about you?

FACEBOOK? What's that?
Is that where you tell people
to wait a minute so you can go
Pee???? Just don't get it.
I like it right here. BYC is the bomb!!!
I have a new account, with five of my closest friends. That's about all.
I enjoy Facebook. I was an Air Force Brat, and can keep up with people I haven't seen in years. I am even friends with a man that was my first boyfriend 35 years ago! Cool! It's great, if you use it for the intended purpose. And keep you privacy settings high.
Yup, I have friends from my hometown on there and that's about it. I don't see the fascination with keeping up with everyday lives of every one of your classmates.
ray's two cents :

Yup, I have friends from my hometown on there and that's about it. I don't see the fascination with keeping up with everyday lives of every one of your classmates.

I like to read whats going on in their world, since I live in the country I don't get to see anyone besides school. Its nice to be able to keep up with all the latest news so that your not clueless when school starts.​
I like to read whats going on in their world, since I live in the country I don't get to see anyone besides school. Its nice to be able to keep up with all the latest news so that your not clueless when school starts.

That's true, if you're interested in who's got new boyfriends.
That's basically what was all over my feed before.
Most of my friends now don't go on FB anyhow, so maybe that's part of it.
ray's two cents :

I like to read whats going on in their world, since I live in the country I don't get to see anyone besides school. Its nice to be able to keep up with all the latest news so that your not clueless when school starts.

That's true, if you're interested in who's got new boyfriends.
That's basically what was all over my feed before.
Most of my friends now don't go on FB anyhow, so maybe that's part of it.​

My friends all do
That's true, if you're interested in who's got new boyfriends.
That's basically what was all over my feed before.
Most of my friends now don't go on FB anyhow, so maybe that's part of it.

My friends all do

That's probably why you enjoy it then

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