Who Else Is Eating Their Homegrown Chicken Eggs Right Now?

Hard boiled, scrambled, over easy, egg drop soup, however you cook 'em there is nothing like an egg from a chicken that scratches the dirt!! My city slicker friends freek when they hear that I eat about 2 dozen eggs a week just by myself. "You are going to die from all that cholesterol!!!"
My cholesterol is 150!!
Isn't it so fun to eat your very own fresh eggs!

I love, love my eggs and have been eating them since Aug or Sept of last yr. I'm so spoiled now that I've had my own eggs. My flock supplies plenty for our family, extended family, neighbors & customers.

My daughter & I just went on her 8th grade trip to DC. The hotel supplied breakfast every morning of scrambled watery, runny, powdery tasting eggs. YUCK!!!!!! I couldn't wait to get back home to have some of mine.

Our family eats a ton of eggs all kinds of ways, but I still have them coming out of my ears. I need to freeze some. My daughter only likes egg whites, though.
I need to try that 10 egg pound cake.....that sounds soooo yummy!
Smitty's Farm :

My daughter only likes egg whites, though.
I need to try that 10 egg pound cake.....that sounds soooo yummy!

You can always boil up the yolks and feed them back to your chickens. Mine go crazy for them. They would rather eat that than the whites.

The 10 egg pound cake is devine!!!​
Hey wegotchickens: I'd refuse to buy store eggs for your teenager. I'm a sub teacher at a high school, and one girl here says farm eggs are "dirty". Try having your kid watch a film on www.goveg.com. There's one of a "raid" at an egg factory. It's DIRTY.
I just did that...scrambled a dozen and fed them back to the girls....

The 10 egg pound cake is out of this world, try drizzling peanut butter icing over it, just add more milk to make it thinner....yummmmmmmm
I didn't have any this morning. (No time before work.) Oh, wait a minute... yes I did. John had made tuna salad with some boiled eggs and I had some of that for breakfast.

I had some last night, too. I made French toast. OMG I love that stuff. I'd never heard of it until I was 15 and at a friend's house. She showed me how to make it. And I have always loved it that way particularly: bread, dipped in wisked eggs and nothing else, then fried. I dip it in syrup. Plus I had a couple of fried eggs to go with it--cause, you know--I had the eggs out and all...

Yum yum!

I sell eggs to the other teachers here at school. They like them to make homemade noodles, cause they are super yellow! I made a bundt cake once, and the recipe called for (only!) four eggs, and it was golden yellow!!

Quiche is the best with farm eggs. The first time I made one, my boyfriend made me take a picture of it.
I've been to lazy to seperate the yolks in advanced, but need to do that for a nice treat for the flock.

I'm usually half asleep in the morning and seperate the whites in each egg that am as I'm cooking them for dd and toss the yolk. I'm not a morning person at all.

Hubby is much better and would cook them up for the dogs to sprinkle them on top of their food. Now that school and the crazy end of the yr 8th grade schedule is over w/ I'll give it a try to give the flock a nice treat.

I'm definitely going to try the 10 egg pound cake. I love pound cake. My gradma use to make the best. My MIL also makes one to die for, but I've never attempted it before.

I did make pumpkin creme brulee' w/ them for Thanksgiving. I tried to make a breakfast casserole, but it came out all lumpy. It was ok the first day, but no one would eat it after that.
I don't even think the dogs liked it, I think the chickens liked it. LOL!!!!!

Sandy, the p'nt butter icing sounds really yummy!

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