Who else is waiting for that first egg?

$1000. egg! Late to the party! FIRST EGG!!! FINALLY! BO 22 wks old. Perfect egg. If it helps other expecting chicken moms, She had really red comb and wattles for 4 weeks, started squatting last week. (what I first thought was squatting before that wasn't). Showed NO interest in the nest boxes before laying. 6 boxes, 2 with fake eggs. Nothing disturbed until 2 days ago, Never saw her in a box till this am, She laid her egg in a box without a fake egg. Hope my other girls get on board so this one egg didn't really cost that much! Chicken Math!
$1000. egg! Late to the party! FIRST EGG!!! FINALLY! BO 22 wks old. Perfect egg. If it helps other expecting chicken moms, She had really red comb and wattles for 4 weeks, started squatting last week. (what I first thought was squatting before that wasn't). Showed NO interest in the nest boxes before laying. 6 boxes, 2 with fake eggs. Nothing disturbed until 2 days ago, Never saw her in a box till this am, She laid her egg in a box without a fake egg. Hope my other girls get on board so this one egg didn't really cost that much! Chicken Math!

I knew she would get with the program!

Ok so how do you get the mixture smooth. I always struggle with that part. I love deviled eggs but mine are always lumpy.
( I am self taught on all the cooking I do) Never had a mentor or anyone teach me anything about cooking. I can make some pretty darn complicated and delish items but the simpler ones frustrate me at times. Peeling eggs is one that makes me nuts.
Ok so how do you get the mixture smooth. I always struggle with that part. I love deviled eggs but mine are always lumpy.
( I am self taught on all the cooking I do) Never had a mentor or anyone teach me anything about cooking. I can make some pretty darn complicated and delish items but the simpler ones frustrate me at times. Peeling eggs is one that makes me nuts.

I just sent you a pm:)
Mine are at 14 weeks now, I know i have a bit to go b4 that first egg but grand kids are getting excited ok ok ok i may a little to lol 5 golden Laced Wyandottes 5 red sex Links 4 Rhode Island White Rocks 3 Black Australorps ( 2 Hens 1 Roo which is making to weirdest noise trying to crow lol 1 Buff Orpington 1 New Hampshire red 1 Black Sex Link Heres a few at work turning over the compost pile
Gorgeous group!!!!
She loved the nesting box! Left me another egg! It was like Christmas waking up wondering if the egg fairy would visit or not!!

I know, got my first egg yesterday, and am just excited today waiting to see if I get another one today. If anyone would have told me that I was going to be this wacko crazy over these chickens I would have thought they were crazy. I have to go somewhere today, and I just want to stay home and wait for that next egg...

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