Who else is waiting for that first egg?

To answer the question as to how long before the small pullet eggs get bigger..... These things take some time. Slowly over the 6 weeks following the first egg they will get larger and larger. Full size eggs are about 2 to 3 months out for the slacker hens.

Alright what gives? One of my ee's has been squatting for like 15 days and no eggs. My leghorn squatting for about 10 days then started to lay...I was hoping she would have laid by now before the other 2 ee's so I could tell the eggs apart but they are starting to squat now... I'm going to end up with 3 colored eggs and have no clue who's is whos... silly birds

You will surely find a way to figure it out. I caught mine in the box so I know who is doing what.
My girls are about 5 months old and have not started laying yet. They have been through a lot recenly though, and between the heat and stress, i understand.

Started with 6 girls, then about a month ago one of the girls started crowing. That week he died to a neighbor dog. So they no more free range and i was given a rooster. All but one of my now 5 girls hated him, but he finally won thevrest over.

Then I built then a nice large fenced in area to be able to run and flap their wings, but safer from the dogs.

Then lost one to something that waited until dark, crawled past the rooster into the henhouse, pulled out oneof the girls, jumped the fence, then got scared away.

The now 4 girls and my rooster weere nervous, then two days ago it happpened again.

So now I am down to three chickens, one rooster, and a parinoid self that checks every time one of my dogs bark.

Hopefully, the first egg will come soon!

You should try brushing your dogs and tucking the loose fur in the fence of your run and around your coop. I'm not saying it's full proof but it should help... we do that with out Labrador and he patrols the coop the whole time we are outside and so far so good.
I am so excited. Today, I heard a bunch of racket outside so I went outside and the neighbor's chicken was doing the egg song and then mine echoed back. It was quite funny. But while that was happening one of my EE's was pacing around and kept jumping inside the coop then back out. I keep the side open when it is hot to keep airflow. We went out later and the boxes had been messed with, both were. the easter eggs were down on the bottom side and the straw was moved around. I think it will be soon now. :D Can't wait.
When you find nest boxes messed with be sure and shuffle the shavings or straw around looking for eggs. The first eggs are small and can be hidden in the bedding on accident.
Yummy Eggs!



I went back out and sure enough, there it was!!!!! My first egg from one of my EE's. I am pretty sure I know which one. The top had a crack in it. Should I not use it?
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I know!!! I got my first one today and I was actually shocked to find it since they are 17 weeks old! I was just checking their food and water and looked in where they sleep and there it sat! I could almost hear the angels sing and I could have sworn it was glowing with light! Lol.
Ha Ha so funny! That first egg is so surreal isn't it? My first egg DH told me ''Go look in the coop" He knew better than to pick it up himself! LOL
Mine are at 14 weeks now, I know i have a bit to go b4 that first egg but grand kids are getting excited ok ok ok i may a little to lol

5 golden Laced Wyandottes
5 red sex Links
4 Rhode Island White Rocks
3 Black Australorps ( 2 Hens 1 Roo which is making to weirdest noise trying to crow lol
1 Buff Orpington
1 New Hampshire red
1 Black Sex Link

Heres a few at work turning over the compost pile

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