Who else is waiting for that first egg?

Mine are almost 17 weeks and still not roosting. They do the dog pile thing right up against the closed off nests. What do I do when it comes time for them to start laying and they're still doing the dog pile thing? I'm sure they'd love to cram into the nests.

I was so excited when I saw one chick up on the roost I knew the others would follow and they did. Their about 13 weeks old and been up on the roost for a week or 2.
Oh yes, just dying to get a basket full of eggs from my girls! They are 9 weeks old and looking very much like adult hens now (except they are half the size of course) So I am counting out the weeks on my calendar to get an idea of when I might find a pretty egg.

I chose, with great difficulty, my chickens to have a variety basket.
2 EE
2 BO
2 Barnevelder
And I will have 3, day old, olive eggers arriving in just a few weeks!

Way too long to wait for eggs.
Yup, playing the waiting game here too...

2 - RIR - 20 weeks old
2 - GL Wyandotte - 18 weeks old
2 - Barred Rock - 14 weeks old

Am hoping to start seeing eggs in early July. One of the RIR's has large comb and wattles, so thinking she'll be the first.
Patiently waiting. And reading this thread has given me a lot to look for with my 8 girls. They are about 12 weeks old.

But it raised a new question.

We blocked off the nesting boxes when we took the ladies into the coop. They are doing great with roosting, so no problems there. When should I take the barriers away from the nesting boxes?

We do a deep litter method, and I have noticed Chicken Divots in a couple of spots (nest sized). I'm thinking with a couple of their waddles being pink, I may be getting close.

2 Barred Plymouth Rocks
2 Rhode Island Red
2 New Hampshire Red
2 Sex Links
We got our first egg on Sunday. Very Eggciting. Sorry about that.
We got another two on Monday and then just one on Tuesday. Yesterday we didn't get any and today another one.

The problem is they are laying in the coop and not in the egg boxes. Any ideas?

PS After the first egg I had a dream we had more. The problem was, they were scrambled. Silly me.
I am picking up two roos tomorrow, and I find out my friend has a couple white leghorns he may give me. May have to consider that, I've wanted them since the start.
Anyone have any knowledge of leghorns that may be beneficial or need to know?
I just posted yesterday that the anticipation was killing me, but today was the day! Our first egg!!


Here is some info for other anticipaters: this is from our 18ish week old Rhode Island Red. Her comb and wattle have been big and red for about 3-4 weeks. No squatting (I checked them all yesterday). I unblocked the nest boxes and put in fake eggs about 3 weeks ago, and while I never caught a hen in there, I have found lots of soft downy feathers in there so I know they've been practicing. I started them on layer feed last week when I ran out of their other feed, but they free range all day long and are only in the coop at night.
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One month ago tomorrow we brought home 3 Black Sex-link pullets. We were told they were between 14 and 16 weeks. One of our girls is much bigger than the other two. I'm guessing she is close to 20 weeks now . She finally got her wattles and they are suddenly very bright red. She is also doing the "submissive squat". We may have an egg any day now but sex-links can begin laying as early as 16 weeks. I thought eggs we're right around the corner the day we brought them home and a month later I'm still waiting! I figure the smaller girls are around 18 weeks now but aren't showing any signs yet. Maybe they weren't as old as we were told they were but the farm we got them from was amazing. Anyone else have Black Sex-links ? If so how long have you been waiting?

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