Who else is waiting for that first egg?

Just got my first EE egg this week! They were almost 5 months old and free range for most of the day.


Got my first egg four days ago, they are small and only two of my four girls are laying. as for the lady who posted this question, my money is on the Buff Orpingtons, they mature earlier than most. I hatched my girls out from my birds from the hatchery, they were buffs and austrolorp, so my girls are that cross, I plan to put the eggs back in the incubator and see what these babies come out looking like, I have been told they may not look like the parent birds but may look like the original buffs and austros, I wish they would stay true to the cross as they are golden with black highlights and specks on the roosters and the hens are black with golden highlights, one is black with white lacing, very attractive cross and should be really good layers.
My hens are 18 weeks old and have not laid an egg. I have 2 Americaunas, 1 RIR, 1 Buff Orpington, 1 Barred Rick, 1 White Leghorn and a Wyandotte. When will they lay? And who will be first?
I am so excited for eggs and time is going sooooo sloowwww!!! I have two 12 week old Polish hens (1 Buff Laced and 1 W. C. Black), 4 Barred Rocks and 2 White Plymouth Rocks that are all 8 weeks old. I am enjoying them all so much, but it would be so much better when I have eggs coming
I get so jealous when I see everyone else's eggs!
I have 5, 18 week old pullets but no eggs. My two Rhode island reds have big, bright red combs and wattles, have for a couple weeks, but nothing yet. I have fake eggs in the nest boxes and check everyday, I want eggs so bad! I'll be furious if I don't get any in the next month, lol

Their combs & wattles turn red when they are close to egg laying? We have 3 RIR's
Their combs & wattles turn red when they are close to egg laying? We have 3 RIR's

Yes, the "sure signs" that chickens are getting ready to lay are that their combs and wattles will get big and bright red, and they will start doing the "submissive squat". My girls haven't been doing the squat, but their combs and wattles have been big and red for a few weeks, and today we got our first egg! My white leghorn is finally getting a big red comb and wattle so I know she won't be too far behind the RIRs.
My hens are 18 weeks old and have not laid an egg. I have 2 Americaunas, 1 RIR, 1 Buff Orpington, 1 Barred Rick, 1 White Leghorn and a Wyandotte. When will they lay? And who will be first?

I'm no expert but I would say anytime now from a week to two or three, and who goes first is anyone's guess. From what I've read on here they'll tell ya about the same.
And welcome, there is a lot to learn in here
I'm in the same boat I have 3dels and 2 rir they are 18 wks on Saturday so I'm getting impatient as well.

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