Who else owns a Tennessee Walker!?

I never implied that a gaited horse could not physically GAIT in a snaffle. While, there is no reason why a TWH could not be ridden huntseat, dressage, or in any other English discipline that traditionally calls for a snaffle, a running walk would look rather ridiculous, and the saddle is not built for it. Why would you want to, anyway? The hunt seat is based around a ground covering, working trot and hand gallop. As the old saying goes, just because you CAN, does not mean you SHOULD. Gaited horse were almost always ridden with curbs throughout history going back to the Colonial Spanish Jennet, through the Civil War era to present time. By the way, the traditional Icelandic Horse bit is a long-shanked curb with loose cheeks similar to a walking horse bit, not a snaffle. There is a reason for it and I would have to write a book to explain.

Old Tobe


General Lee on Traveler

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this is santanna she is a tn walker 7 yrs old she is 16.2 sweet girl but needs confident rider..my husband purchased her cause he love her looks. told him don't do that get something that clicks with you and you can ride all over.. well took her home cleaned and brushed her up she was very knotty looks good now. took her out to ride barn sour and reared up on me. my husband has very little experience riding told him sell her or have trainer come in and train her more, she is a spooky too.. was told she wont change even with training. i beg to differ on that ..what are your opinions please ...thanks I think he needs a beginner horse but no didn't listen as always lol....
I knew a real beginner that goes out and buys a horse named "Quick". Eventually after being thrown every time he rode, he ended up with a 20 year old retired police dept. horse

I always say someone of the two need to know what they are doing. I think TWH are great. Mine was 3 1/2 when I got her and I had to think hard about all the things I had to introduce to her . She's 13 now .

He can try the lessons and training if he stays involved with all the training. It may not work out, sometimes you never know. He may get thru all that education with her and still never feel secure with her.

I think he should try with a trainer/instructor because there is something to be learned either way and it is a learning opportunity. If you're an experienced horse person, and you think she can be trained better your opinion does matter.

Rearing is a refusal to go forward. Barn sour is not acceptable behavior. Once my trainer had a big TWH come in for a tune up. She had him in the round pen day one and he would not go forward around the pen on long lines. In fact he threw himself on the ground in a temper tantrum. Trainer left him there and went to get a cup of coffee. She came back and he decided to behave himself.

It sounds like hubby needs to either be one of those people who adapt to riding quickly, or he needs to be the one that says "uncle". Could be fun.
I'm in love with round pen training and wish I had known about it much sooner. I think it might be a good place to start for you, if you can find someone wiling to mentor you in it. It can really help a horse focus on you and can help the owner/trainer feel more confident. I think being able to work with a horse from the ground is the first major step. If a person doesn't feel comfortable there, they will never feel comfortable on the horse's back. I also like that I can work in the round pen with the horse saddled so I could assess how the horse went with the saddle. For horses that were high strung, I felt better about working them first in the round pen and then getting on their back, after they had time to get all their excitement out. Working in the round pen isn't just about running them in circles though. It is all about getting their brain to work through stopping, changing gait, turning, coming in to the center, returning to the fence, etc. I like it so much because it really becomes a brain exercise for them.

Falling off a horse is scary and can really ruin a relationship with a horse, especially in the beginning. If he is not comfortable riding, I would suggest selling this horse and buying one he feels comfortable on. Bring a knowledgeable friend, trainer, etc. with you when you go to look. Training a horse properly is a lot of work. These days, I know I just want to get on and ride. The horse I have a home you can get on after he sits in a field all winter and he'll be just like when you left him. Some people like a challenge. These days I don't want to risk getting hurt either. If you are looking for a project that may cost lots of money and take lots of time to develop, then this might be a good horse. Rearing is a tough issue to correct though. Once a horse rears, that potential is always there. In my opinion, it can be one of the more difficult things to break a horse of.

I would suggest having a vet come in and do a once over to rule out any medical issues. Rearing can sometimes be a sign of pain, along with bucking. I would also make sure your saddle fits correctly. This can also cause pain and some horses will rear in response to this.

Good luck and be safe! Horses are always dangerous animals, even the safest of horses! (Like my old QH who never bucked, kicked, or bit a day in his life but tripped all the time)

this is santanna she is a tn walker 7 yrs old she is 16.2 sweet girl but needs confident rider..my husband purchased her cause he love her looks. told him don't do that get something that clicks with you and you can ride all over.. well took her home cleaned and brushed her up she was very knotty looks good now. took her out to ride barn sour and reared up on me. my husband has very little experience riding told him sell her or have trainer come in and train her more, she is a spooky too.. was told she wont change even with training. i beg to differ on that ..what are your opinions please ...thanks I think he needs a beginner horse but no didn't listen as always lol....

mmm I told him he has to make decision im afraid he will get hurt at 62 yrs young im 52 on blood thinners I take chance with my sweet rocky mountain but u never know.. he is hard headed wish he would have listened from the start.. also I have bad back gaited much easier for me .. he paid 1200 told him sell for same and buy something much older and better trained or get trainer either way you will pay...

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