Who else took the chick plunge! (Pics on post 101)

I know what you mean! I changed my order 5 times
. Luckily they are really nice at Ideal and don't mind me changing up my mind. I promised myself that I will not make anymore changes. No matter how tempting all the deals are. I now 37 chicks, 4 duck and 2 geese coming from Ideal and 15 chicks coming from Mt. Healthy. Now only 31 more days till they get here

Well it's official- I changed around my order for the third and final time. I am getting cuckoo marans, welsummers, blue andalusions, buff orpingtons, easter eggers, and columbian wyandottes. FINALLY I feel confident enough with my order. Yay!
Ordered our chicks last week from Meyer. 2 Australorp, 2 EE, 2 RIR, 2 Barred Rock, 2 Speckled Sussex, 2 Welsummer, and 2 Barnevelder. Wanted to order from Ideal since I'm in TX, but they couldn't ship till June.
Our order will be shipped April 17-19.
Hubby finishing up run, coop built, and I'm trying to be patient waiting for their arrival.
Getting 6 Delawares and 4 Golden Sex Link on 2/25. 2 brown Leghorns, 2 Rhode Island Reds and 4 Welsummers on 3/31.
I took the chicken plunge last weekend. The temps in Jacksonville Fl. are still chilly this time of year so I'm using a heat light. This is my first flock in a few years. I got six pullets. I would'nt need to clean their bedding as much a I do but they are only tiny fur balls once. I like to try to keep them clean. I think they are almost two weeks old. They are a totally goofy bunch of little girls.
i'm a complete newbie. my first ever are coming next week. i forget the exact which is which, but they add up to 25. i'm getting barred rock, black australorp, silver-laced wyandotte, and buff orpington. i'm a nervous wreck. do i have the brooder just right?, is the coop going to be ok? have i got things as predator proof as possible?, etc.etc. i'm glad it's still a few days because i can't seem to get the heat right. i'm having a heck of a time getting it warm enough. i think i'm going to buy a bag of rice (wrap it in burlap or something) & microwave it so it's toasty warm & put it in the brooder for when they first get home to help make sure they're warm enough right away. i was even thinking of putting a feather duster on top of it so the little darlings could cuddle under it like it was mama. that tells you how looney toons things are getting here.
I'm adding 4 australorps sometime this week, whenever my breeder calls and tells me they have hatched, and 4 more ameracaunas in about 2 weeks when they hatch. That will bring me up to 3 times as many as the city says I'm allowed have. Please, don't anyone call the City of Galveston and tell them I have way too many chickens in my yard!!!
I'll be selling some birds.

Just ordered some rare breed pullets from Ideal... Has anyone else done that?

They're suppose to be sent Feb.1... just in time to join the few chicks from my Ground Hog's Day Hatch in the brooder.
On getting the heat right..If the babies are standing or huddled together under the light they are trying to stay warm. If they're hanging around away from the light maybe sleeping a little too far apart, they are too warm . If they are sleeping together somewhere in between,...just right.
I like it when they are sleeping 3-5 inches from directly under the light. These are my first to raise in Florida.I always raised in the north. I'm watching my heat myself as I'm trying not to over heat them.I'm watching where they are hanging out more than ever.

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