Who else wants to brag about their newly hatched chicks? Pics!


The Chicken Princess
9 Years
Apr 24, 2010
Lookie! This is a thread where we can share pics of our new chicks that WE hatched ourselves! We are proud "mamas" and "papas" to our new lil' fuzzy things! Post your new chick pictures and brag about them all u want! Please dont put down other people's pics and argue over whose is cuter or anything, though.



Here are my 5 babies. I took this pic about nine days ago, but now they have lots of feathers and we are getting ready to take them outside.

These are our first hatch and I think we did pretty good got 8 out of 11. the dad was Dominque and hens were one Dom and rir's. Unfortunatly if what I've heard about sexing them we may have 5 roo's . Ow well still cute little buggers.
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I just had 6 newbies since yesterday.2 I just took to brooder tonight one is a TINY TINY one hope it make's it.Will try to get a pic tomm.I had to bring in one of my grad sebright's.She wasn't doing so well.It's been really cold and she hasnt seemed to be growing much at all.She was shivering when when I brought her in this morn to brooder.The rest of same brood doing good including 2 silkie's.When I took the last 2 newbie's down she had the 4 from yesterday around her and 2 small one's I had put in yest. from second brooder to keep the other new one's comfy.She was all fanned out a bit over them.She seem's like she has problem of some sort I hope she will get better.They were So cute all huddled around her.Will update and add some pic's. The pic's here are so cute! love all of the newbie's and congrat's!
AWWW! OMG mine's feathers are almost all in! Theyre wing feathers are longer than theyre bodies! Theyre tail feathers are really really long! They are getting huge!

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