Who has experience with ADHD?

Ok, I guess the name of the meds is dextroamphet. I did some searching, and I found some things that say the 'let down' of it is very strong. He only gets 2.5 mg, which is the highest dose he can get for his age, so I was told. It is also half of the smallest dose available.
I didn't have too much trouble with him at home, but at school he has a lot of issues. The teacher calls me at least once a week, cause he is screaming out for no reason, or he won't sit still (getting up and running around the room) or various things like that. At nap time most of the kids don't get to sleep, because my son is being to loud, or not laying down, or something.
my son was also 4 when dia. with adhd, we have tried many med's and the one we felt most comfortable with is aderal. he is now 8 and let me tell you. get all the help you can. his is more of the attention type. but he is also very delayed in speech and is now diagnosed with a learning disorder. don't give up get all the help you can. we are so glad that all the professionals at the school reconize it an gives him all the extra needed help. he is the most wonderful and caring boy. good luck!
My son has more of the hyperactivity thing IMO. If you can get him to sit still long enough, he will pay attention, he just won't sit still. Most of his problems are at school, or anyplace he is in a group. He just gets soo wound up, he can't stop. At home for the most part he is fine. But he has a speach delay too. That is kind of strange? That's the reason he is in preschool now, when he was only 3 at the start of school. It is for children with delays ages 3&4, or low income families for the 4 year olds.
Hey I think that you may need to give the meds a try. I was on ritilan when I was younger. I would really benefit from meds now. However I have learned how to have self control and I am able to channel the energy else where most of the time. It may take several tries to get him on the right dose of the right meds. Yes I think drs do go over board with dignosing, however if your child truely needs meds then his needs meds. To chicken3jojo, add/adhd does exsist it is a chemical inbalance in the brain, and yes the meds are a schedule II drug, which means that the parents need to be in complete control over where the meds are kept. I hope that you get everything worked out over the Christmas break. Because as he gets older and it is not treated he may have difficulty in focusing on his school work along with lots of other problems. Add/Adhd people are very impulsive and they have a difficult time controling their impulsivity which can sometimes lead to dangerous and serious situations. I wish you all the luck in the world, and a Merry Christmas!
No, he doesn't have night terrors at all. There was one time this past summer that he woke up a bit freaked out, he was even acting scared of me, but for the most part he sleeps like a baby. But he still sleeps with me, so that probably helps with that. I've tried getting him to sleep in his own bed, but he has the ability to make himself vomit at will, so if he is put in a bed by himself, he makes a mess of it.

I don't really think he has breakdowns per se, he does get a bit emotional at times, but it's usually related to stress and such. If he has had a really busy day, he will break down. It's like he doesn't know how to cope with the stimulus.
I am totally with wifezilla on this. My husband has ADD, I have a daughter who has been diagnosed with ADHD also. Although my husband had a huge positive help when he took medication a few years ago, he chose to stop and we've gone the 'natural' way for him and our kids.

Many, many people who have been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD have had a huge reduction or complete stop of negative symptoms by 100% changing their diets.

Other people have not (although I'd go out on a limb and say that almost all people have seen some positive help by changing their diet), I suggest you try that first and see if it helps your son (if you haven't already). BUT, it has to be 100%; 'cheating' by letting him have 'a little' sweets here and there will not give a true conclusion.

I will also add that I do believe many children are misdiagnosed with ADD/ADHD that are just overly rambunctious and being raised on sugar.
Each child is different and a newly diagnosed child may need some trial and error until the meds are right. You need to get a journal and keep a close track on everything that is happening. Keep track of how he feels, how he acts, what time you are giving him his meds and what time you notice it wearing off... Meds do help but not every med works for every child. It will take a few days of being on the meds for them to really show how he is going to be. Dont do a couple days on and then forget a day or 2. That would make things worse. My step-son would get head aches and then they would be gone and he would be soo much better. Good luck and just keep your dr. up to date on any changes with how he acts. Jenn
I just want to venture an opinion, or offer a suggestion into having your son further assessed....he sounds less like ADHD than he sound Sensory Processing Disorder or Auditory Processing Disorder that can be confused with or combined with ADHD....what makes me think that is you say he CAN pay attention. But CANNOT cope with stimulus. Those are trademark statements....and ADHD medications are often counterproductive in treatment of these disorders.....I know you are being innundated with comments, but I also recommend a book by Martin L. Kutscher M.D. called Kids in the Syndrome Mix of ADHD, LD,Aspergers, Tourettes, Bipolar and more....its not text, just interesting reading. It does discuss medication options as well as the different issues.

Best of luck,

mom of children who have ultiple labels and have taken plenty of medications that have worked, plenty that havent, two no longer need medications at all, etc....whatever works, works for your unique child.
Would the auditory processing disorder make him sensitive to sounds in general? Sounds like a stupid question to me, cause that's exactly what it sounds like. I know I can't take him anywhere that is very loud, like a movie theater, fair, busy store, or anything like that, he just gets uncontrollable. Even if someone is talking on the 'loud' side, he usually covers his ears. And heaven forbid he gets yelled at, or thinks he is being yelled at, he will cover his ears and cry, or say that whoever is doing it is scaring him.

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