Who has one and only one breed?

You wouldn't happen to have photos of them thar Light Brahmas would you????

(or any of the cochins??? I do love a good laced cochin!!!)
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I have one! Actually I only have two silkies! Babies due tomorrow though because Silkies are ALWAYS broody (Unbeknownst to me when breeder sold me the silkies) and I got mine because free range eggs are so expensive. So proper chickens that lay eggs are expected. I will only keep one girl though, rest will go back to friend who has no broodys. And then two breeds and then thats it!!!!

Though I really like the look of those white fluffy ones. I wonder if they are broody all the time?
i have a total of 12 breeds and about 40 chickens i plan to have around 100 to 200 birds in all kind of breeds to far from 1 dont ya think i dont think any one has just one breed there so adicting! LOL!

Once you get one you want them all!
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Oh Dear! I know this site is addictive!!! I cant have lots only have a medium sized back yard. But maybe just one more. That white fluffy one! Will look cute with my black and blonde silkies!
I only have one breed. I wish I had a lot more. I will have to wait until I get more pens and another shed. I am thinking about adding some brown layer hens to my pens this spring. I need more eggs.
hahahhaha....one breed..... YEA RIGHT!! I've got Silkies, EEs, WJGs, Buff Orps, Black Rosecombs, and a lone Leghorn.

and I'm getting some Wellies, Cochins, Black Australorps, Sexlinks, Wyandottes......maybe more.
we started out with one breed...then HAD to get another so each kid could raise their own breed....now we have ANOTHER breed of eggs coming in the mail...and YET ANOTHER breed promised.....I've given up blaming the kids...I'm the addict..
Ok so I have never had and never will have one breed I can understand for breeding perposes but for a layer flock I want as many different girls as I can get I have 7 breeds and 3 varities in one breed and two in another I could never go to one breed maybe three but never one!

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