Who has one and only one breed?

I, for many years, raised only Barred Rocks.
In the last few years, I've expanded my 'chicken-keeping horizons' to include a few other breeds and crosses.

Happy New Year!
I started with some free silkie broodies in February, and bought copper black marans eggs because I couldn't find any mottled cochin eggs, then I found those, and a mille fluer cochin to cross on them, and then I got some golden laced wyandottes because they were so cheap, and didn't like them, so I sold those. Then someone gave me over a dozen assorted layer breed pullets, RIR, JBJ, BR, BO, black wyandottes, turkens, and I kept those till they started to lay and went broke and got wore out feeding and cleaning and tired of giving away the eggs, so I gave away most of those. Still have one of the turkens though... and then I bought some blue black splash marans, and a barred EE hen with that bunch. And someone gave me a blue cuckoo roo to go with her, but she doesn't like him.... and there was a sizzle roo, some silkie/marans crele crosses. Oh yeah, I got some partridge cochins and partridge silkies as my (hopefully if they ever get around to it) broodie flock. All that in less than a year. I think I will NEVER be able to keep just one kind, but the kinds I keep might keep changing until I find my permanent niche.
I have Buckeye chickens. I like them. When ever i go out to let them free range, they first have to get all around my feet. Makes it hard to walk. I think i am going to get some more this summer. I have 8 hens and 2 roosters.

I plan on getting a few more breeds though later on.
I CAN'T BELIEVE all that has happened just since last Feb. You are a TRUE chicken addict, onthespot!

I have one Dominiques, one RIR, 5 Buff Orps, and 5 BRs. Like them all, my dominant hen is the RIR and she is a good head gal --my husband thinks she's the prettiest.
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I don't think I'm capable of having only one breed. Every time I go outside with my birds, I've got a different favorite that I want to get a dozen more of.

Love my BR girls, and I'll take a dozen more of them. Love my GLW, love my polish, love my white leghorns, love my bantam cochins, love my australorp, love my SLW and I'll take a dozen more of each of them. Oh, plus I need turkens again. And I have to have some silkies before I can be totally happy.

Now my poor husband is wanting more GLW's... if he had his choice, he might have only one breed. Or only two or three. Wait, he likes the polish rooster.

Nope, we aren't capable of only one.
I have only one breed, in the UK they are called Black Rocks, and I have just 4 girls in my garden.

But I am only a beginner, and I love these girls, but I am hoping to expand this year, and have a few ideas on new breds I would like.

I love seeing all of your girls here, and they are fantastic, but I am also very happy with my girls.

I am sure my son will wantto get some different breds come Spring, and maybe I will too, but we wil have to see what happens.

The madness continues.

I love to see my different colored chickies wandering around the yard so I wouldn't want just one breed. I can understand if you are wanting to keep your breeds pure, but that is easy to solve too.
Just eat your own eggs and buy hatching eggs of the breeds you want chicks from.
That way you can have pure chicks without the space requirements of separating them.

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