who hates it when someone who has never raised chickens before thinks


9 Years
Nov 27, 2010
Marysville Ohio
that they know more than you and youve raised chickens for years now. my grandma told me after 2 years they stop laying and arent good to eat. i told her some hens can lay for 6 years. maybe not as well as 1 year old or pullets that just started laying but they still lay and most people butcher there birds after there 2nd year cos there best to eat then. im not sure on the last part about them being good after 2 yr old but i know hens dont stop completley after 2. i just hate it when someone who had never raised chickens before thinks they know more then me and ive raised chickens for years now.
i just hate it when someone who had never raised chickens before thinks they know more then me and ive raised chickens for years now

Stick around....that happens a lot around here!
I so completely agree. But you forgot the most frequent one - you've got to have a rooster to get eggs!!

It's even worse when you're a new chicken owner - like me. You get all sorts of unsolicited advice from folks who've never even seen a live chicken. Chickens:
are dirty
get lice
get salmonella
are noisy
will tear up you're garden (well that's true if you let them free range)
I hear you!

Can I add to your list of people with no experience but KNOW IT ALL?
people who've never raised chickens
people who've never had children
people who have no experience with military life
people who have never lived in the country (or anywhere NEAR it)

I'm sure there are about a gazillion more, too!
yup never had dogs - they bite
never sailed a dingy - you can drown or get lost at sea
and my favorite it wasnt my cat that stole your koi out of your pond that cost you £30 even with video evidence (ok I should have put the net back straight away but the phone rang just as i put the fish in) guess i should be gratefull it didnt nick the camera too lol
Just to be fair, Grandma may be of that generation where it was more common for folks to keep chickens, and she's repeating things that were said to be true back then. And maybe the hens she remembers stopped laying at age 2 and were tough to eat, but with more years of selective breeding hens lay longer and stay more tender.

Sometimes it's best to tell people "Hmm, you may have a point there" and go on your way.
Well I am definitely a Newbie & definitely do Not know it all. I just ordered my 1st Coop & am trying to learn everything I can before ordering my first pullets.
But I have absolutely had a great deal of negative response to my venture. Mainly the smell for a backyard. My response has been generally if things are
cleaned regularly, it shouldn't be a problem. But I am reading everything I can & taking notes on feed, & care there is a lot to learn but I am enjoying it &
looking forward to getting my 3 new girls.
What really gets me is the "older" generation that grew up raising chickens and still believes all the old "wives tales" Such as you can't get eggs without a rooster.
So technically it isn't just newbies that have incorrect info LOL!!!

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