Who here is into Photography?

Not as awesome as the others but i just love the wild birds that visit the feeder here =) Have some Blue Jay pictures but they aren't as cooperative as the little guys. The red wing black birds aren't as scared anymore but they don't like to pose, lol.

Yea, I love taking pictures of birds! They are so awesome, and it's always a win when you can spot a rare one. :p
Funky feathers: :eek: Wow, I love the sunset pics. They're very good!
I am way down the ladder of photo taking skill (if I even have any) :lol: But here are some:

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Thank you!
I have a few of that bird, but I thought the eye one was the most interesting
I love all things macro, I have one or two shots very similar of a local zoo's (small mom and pop type rescue zoo) parrot.

Anyone get any ring of fire shots tonight?????

We were going to be close enough to get a descent partial eclipse, but we were clouded in totally today so none for us.
Dang, that sucks. I don't think I've ever seen an eclipse before, it's only really the northern hemisphere ones that get publicised. However, I was awake at 5AM one morning when the moon looked red. That was fun. :p
I like your rainbow shots, my favorite of that group is the first one, which is unusual for me, I generally don't like pics w/ lots of human "ugly" clutter in them, but something about that one I like.

I really like the rippled water sillohette one.

The macro mimosa flowers you need to be very careful w/ the macros about background (the power lines in the background distract to me anyway) and the objects you are photographing need to be especially pristine. The dead wilted ones in the forground are extremely distracting to the photo for me. Sometimes you can't reposition enough to eliminate them, but may be able to fix w/ a crop, if not then you have to decide if the "good" part that you are photographing is worth the post processing edit work it will take. jmo

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