Who is laying the olive egg? added picture

It is not genetically possible for a hen to lay a blue egg and then an olive egg. One or both of those "Marans" is a Maran/EE cross that's the only way. You would know if they were cocks by now.
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I would guess that if Hershey has no sickle feathers, He-she is the culprit. The enarged, reddened comb, while a good indication of cockerel-hood in birds that also posess sickle feathers and pointy hackles, is also a good indication of egg production in a pullet. Another way to tell is if you can fit two or more fingers between her pubic bones. A hen that isn't in production will be closed down to less than a finger, but a hen who is laying will be nice and wide. To do this, hold the chicken with your palm on her keel bone and your fingertips facing her hind end. spread your pinky and index finger to fit her legs between them. This should place your ring and middle fingers in the perfect position to feel her pubic bones which are an inch more or less behind her keel bone and about even with her legs. At the very least you can narrow down who's butt to paint. That idea is just absolute genius, I think you should lipstick their butts anyway. The comedy value alone would be worth it.

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