Who is laying these dark brown eggs?


9 Years
May 24, 2010
Albion, California

I'm getting two of these most days, so the most likely candidates are:
Black Australorp
Buff Orpington
Gold-Laced Wyandotte
Brahma (1 Light, 1 Dark)
Speckled Sussex

Other breeds in the same flock:
Plymouth Rock (2 Barred, 1 Partidge, 1 White, 2 mixed)
New Hampshire

I wonder if it's possible these two off-color Barred Rocks might actually be off-spec Marans instead? We actually had ordered Cuckoo Marans but got 2 Partridge Rocks instead, one cockerel and one pullet.

those are not barred rocks, and are most likely your dark egg layers. sussex, orps, and dottes don't lay dark eggs. I can't tell you about astralorps or brahmas.
I would think that you got your Marans... just maybe not so standard ones?
What a nice surprise?! They look great in the egg box too.
My Marans haven't started laying yet (but have squatted some)... I'm jealous.
That is a Cuckoo Marans.

Cuckoo Marans have pink legs like her, and poor barring like her.

Barred Rocks have decent barring and yellow legs. You don't have Barred Rocks.
How many are you getting per day/week? I had a Black Australorp that laid eggs that color. I'm not disagreeing with anyone about the Marans though....
Yup, Marans girl with the pinkish legs. They look like cuckoo Marans eggs to me too. Especially the bottom right corner one where the color is scratched off some - you can actually wash or scratch some of the "paint" off of Marans eggs, unlike other breeds.
Thanks everyone - don't know why it never occurred to me to look at the legs - but I'm very pleased to discover I got Marans after all!

So the only mix-up on my order was, I got Partridge instead of Barred Plymouth Rocks... not bad!

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