Who is pipping and waiting right now??

I just went to check on my silkie eggs and I hear peeping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've got 2 pips so far

My first silkies, very exciting!!
Popcorn is a good term for it!!! We went out of town last month and the eggs did not get picked up. I put all 47 in the bator, today is day 20 and when I got up at 6:30 this morning I had 1 adorable black Australorp/? . I got home tonight and had 12
, now there are 15 hatched, 5 more pipping and 1 that will be out of there really quick. I have NEVER had this kind of luck with hatching eggs.

The temp has been at 100 with humidity about 70 until sometime tonight, now it is 104, humidity is 91, I keep opening the box a little, and turned down the temp, and the vent holes are all open. I don't want to kill the darlings, nor chill them. They are all acting fine.
Tomorrow night I will move them to the garage. The stock tank is cleaned out( we no longer use it, no livestock), and fresh wood chips( just chipped tonight) in it with the heat lamp already on. Food and water will go in with them. I hope my setup will be ok.
I am so nervous, so worried that something will go wrong and I will lose them.

I just doubled the size of my flock. This is so addictive,what am I gonna do with all these babies??? I was hoping out of 47 I might actually get 4 or 5, I did not expect this many. LOL
Lucky! That's wonderful! You're doing fine. The temps and humidity do spike when they're hatching, so just keep an eye on it. They'll be ok. Wait until they're dry to move them. Is the brooder draft free?
Congratulations Momma!
Got 3 brand new baby turkeys today. Still have 4 eggs that have not started hatching. I had to do the big nono and take a poult that was having a very difficult time out of the incubator and help it out of the shell. I ran warm water in the bathroom sink to submerge the stuck egg shell until I was able to gently remove most of it. I don't think the little guy would have made it much longer without help. I just looked into the incubator and he is just about dry and walking around so I think he is going to make it. I'm hoping the other eggs are hatched or hatching by morning.
I've got 4 that pipped this morning, and had to come to work again. So am hoping to have a little surprise when I get home tonight. Makes me anxious to go home.
I will have to get all my work done today so I won't have to come in tomorrow. Will see how that goes today!

Good luck everyone, happy hatching, and congrats to those of you who have hatched already.
Im still still still waiting. I think I may have mis calculated my days. I candled on Sunday, and they were all dark inside so I know there are babies, but nothing born yet. Day 21 was suppose to be 2 days ago. I know your not suppose to candle after day like 18 but she was off the nest eating so I did it really quick.
He is so cute! Looks a little dazed though, like "WTH?? whetre is everyone else?"

I am a bit nervous! Yesterday was day 21 and nothing. No rocking, no peeping. I candled on day 17 and all looked beautiful. The heat is perfect, the humity looks great. I am praying that they hatch. I see no reason for them to have died, but I would hope to see more by now. Though this is my first time ever hatching anything so maybe I did something wrong, or am just being impatient.
Either way I am ready to cry. LOL
Don't worry yet... sometimes they do take a little longer. Just leave them alone, and give them another day or two. I don't think I've ever had anybody hatch on day 21... it's always a day early (surprise!) or a day late. Sometimes 2 days late....

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