Who is pipping and waiting right now??

Today was day 18. Stopped turning and put the eggs in cartons for hatching and added my water. Now I am trying to get humidity and all that correct before I head to bed. I have 14 Eggs and one looks ??
The others are all dark and I guess I do not have a strong enough light to candle....Hopefully they are alive, I guess I will just have to wait and see.
Wish me luck!
Last night I had two pips...this morning I have 2 babies and SEVERAL pips. Now I must head to work for the day.

I know I can leave the babies in their awhile but no more than 24 hours right? They hatched sometime during the night so I figure they need to come out no later than tomorrow AM. If I need to take some out then...and some aren't hatched I will cry but pipped:( Well, I will cross that bridge when I get there...maybe I will come home from work with many more babes.
is it ok to lift of the hen and look for pips, or is it best to leave here just sitting there? How will I know when they are born if they are under her?
Here's a pic that was taken lastnight. I woke up to 7 more babies in the incubator. I've still got 6 that have pipped the shell, and 14 that haven't done anything yet. I have to go to work this morning to finish up some stuff for the weekend. I've been up since before 5 this morning. Sorry the pics are so small, I forgot the last pic I updated was for an avatar.
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I am now hatching eggs in my new Brower HTI20. They began hatching yesterday at 5 P.M.; that's 21 days and one hour after I put the eggs in. Right now, 18 hours later, 12 have hatched. I started off with 12 fresh eggs and 12 eggs over a week old.
I have used nothing but the thermometer that came with the incubator, and it has stayed right at 99.5 with no interference from me since I first set it. Humidity? (?) Evidently the incubator fan takes care of humidity. All I've done is add a cup of water every other day, and all the babies are looking great; they're all still in the incubator and will be until 5 A.M. tomorrow morning (36 hours) to be sure whoever is going to hatch gets a chance to hatch without my disturbing the environment. The brooder is ready for them now, but... They and I can wait.
BTW, my incubator is on a table in the living room; that's where my brooder is/will be too.
Today is day 18 for me. So in a little while I'll stop turning, and up the humidity. I'm thinking about doing the egg carton method, how well does that work?
I only hatched two times but I loved the egg carton method. It kept a lot of the mess in the carton and stopped the eggs from being rolled around.
I'm hatching and waiting for more to pip. On day 19-the first chicks pipped and hatched...4 Speckled Sussex. On day 20, 4 more pipped and hatched. Also 1 silver Phoenix pipped and hatched on day 20. ! other Sp and 1 SS pipped a home in their eggs, but only peeped alot and didn't zip. Last evening the peeping slowed down alot and I worried so much about them I intervened. I took the 4 day and 1/2 old ones out and put them in the brooder box, and helped the 2 in trouble to hatch. Yolks were mostly absorbed, but the chicks were stuck to their membranes and couldn't move or unfold. So I helped them. The SP chick is fine today other than curled toes, and I've taped up that one to have a little boot. The SS is not strong enough to stand up, I've got her wrapped up in a warm wet washcloth to help soften some of that dried on yuck that's holding her wing stuck to her body... 13 more eggs still haven't pipped yet. Is there any hope that they will still? I know I"m not supposed to open that incubator, but when bigger chicks are running down the smaller ones, i worry, and when some are stuck in their eggs I can't ignore them, but I don't want to lose the other 13 good eggs either. Any advice? 3 Brabanters, 7 Silver Phoenix, and 3 Speckled Sussex still in their shells. I hope they are ok...

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