Who is pipping and waiting right now??


Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

Congratulations Wildsky! Beautiful baby!!!

Thank you - I do believe its Busters baby I have -
and a little girl too!
Got home and well.... the chirper wasn't chirping any more.... it died in the egg.
I'm not certain why as things seem to have stayed the same temp and humidity wise.
The sole hatcher is doing well. I put it in the small brooder with the lamp next to the bigger chicks that hatched out over April vacation... hard to believe they were once this small!! LOL! I held the newbie up and they were all eyeing it...too funny when it chirped they all jumped! LOL!
Saturday will be day 28 for the turkey eggs I bought from a seller on this site. I turned them for the last time today and added extra water to the bator.
Now I need to find the roll of duct tape to keep me from opening the bator!
There are 24 eggs in there. Holland Whites and Bronze.
that is a cute chick Wildsky

well I havent been around much lately but have been hatching at variouse dates,,,,,5 blue and splash silkies from Marie about 1 month old,,,,1 Mille Fleur and 1 barred Rock bantam (3 weeks),,,,, and 5 bantam salmons all girls (1 died), 1 buff silkie, 2 frizzled silkies black, 2 blue cochin bantams(1 friz, 1 not) all about 2 weeks old, 2 rir bantams 1 week old, and 2 buff orp bantams 1-+2 days old,,,,,and quite a few seramas and bantam black cochins in the hopper to hatch in about hmmmm 14 days? I should really keep track of my days better.
Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

If you do, try the Coturnix first. The Bobwhites seem to be more delicate, as both Ace-king-brahma and I are finding out. Despite all odds, I had a fairly decent hatch from both the Coturnix and Buttons. People ask me all the time what I do with the Buttons... frankly, they're good fer nuthins... but their like a parakeet... pretty to look at and listen to, and they do make good pets. They're good in the bottom of other bird cages, eating the dropped seeds. Cleanup crew, so to speak. But the Coturnix are very personable, and the birds are a good handful size.
I hope you do try, even just a few. They are the tiniest things and such a joy to hatch. I have a whole passel of them in the brooder now, and they are adorable. I almost hate to sell them!

Yup, I thought maybe it was just me at first until I found out that Mrs. Bird-Brain was having the same trouble with the bobwhites. If you get them to hatch they have to be watched closely. I moved the brooder lamp slightly away after the first week of hatch figuring it was time to lower the temp on them and found 3 dead the next day. And some just seemed to fail to thrive. Of 9 chicks 3 survived. I do know it wasn't issues with the incubator since my coturnix hatched dispite the temp spike of 110. And they are all thriving.

I do plan on trying my hand at the bobwhites again since I really want them. I plan to try to get pure white and also I saw some orange and mexican speckled bobs that I am trying to get my hands on. But the eggs and chicks just seem delicate from day one.​
OOppps...I counted wrong. Friday is day 28 on the 2 dozen heritage turkey eggs. Today is Thursday and two are out...a bronze and the other is the holland white.
One of each!
I will not open the incubator...I will not open the incubator...
I can hear them chirping.
One out, eight to go. Some are standard eggs, some are bantam eggs. All under a broody bantam. How do I care for them once they are hatched? Theyare in a dog crate, since other hens were laying eggs in the nest, so the hatch date will all be off slightly. Once they all hatch, do I allow mom to get out of the crate or keep her in there for a while?

I'm so new at this and inexperienced, to top it off with being so busy, I am so unprepared.....

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