Who is the dad?

Little confusing but that has been asked
Okay so on August 9th, I hatched this lovely roo that I have no idea who the dad is. Recently I have also seen some strange yet colourful feathers on him. I would like to have two questions addressed: Who is the dad? and Why are these feathers this colour?
Dad #1 is an americauna Ayam Cemani mix. Dad#2 is a 2ft giant that we don't know the breed of so if we can get a breed on him that would be great (That might explain how he is the length of my forearm) Mom is named Charlotte, she a Naked Neck-Turken. Lotte (Low-teh) was going to be his female name and Lotte (Low-dee) is his male name.

My best guess is that the hen has some very faint barring, or possibly the blue rooster does. Since the chick doesn't have black skin, I'm going to go with the blue roo as the dad, though it's still possible that the other roo is.

As for the breed of the blue rooster, he looks like an andalusian mix. The black rooster looks like a pure ayam cemani to me, so why do you think he's mixed?
My best guess is that the hen has some very faint barring, or possibly the blue rooster does. Since the chick doesn't have black skin, I'm going to go with the blue roo as the dad, though it's still possible that the other roo is.

As for the breed of the blue rooster, he looks like an andalusian mix. The black rooster looks like a pure ayam cemani to me, so why do you think he's mixed?
He has some ameracuana blood in him. At least that was what my friend said

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