Who is your candidate?

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There are some things I like about Paul, but he is not a big supporter of the Military, and would rather pull all of the troops home than letting the troops do their job, which is making our country safer from terrorists. I am going for Newt.

Also it is not the job of a soldier to occupy other countries. That is why we have enemies. You are suppose to pull your troops home in a time of peace. Ron Paul is all for using the military power the way it was intended. As in the president asks for a declaration of war from congress. If they don't sign it then you do not go to war. In WW2 the reason we won is because we had a declaration and had a clear cut line on who the enemy was and who it wasn't.
You do. You have the ability to write someones name in if you do not like the two main runners. Seriously you need to learn about Ron Paul.

The main reason the media ignores Ron Paul is because he stands for Liberty and they have no dirt on him. The only thing i found is that he was talking to a supporter while eating a sandwich and he had his mouth full. Even then the food was off to the side.
Maybe I will read about him.Seems the only one not blasting people,but clearly out for justice.
I'm totally loving the interest in RP here!

This one got a few of my middle class friends - http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2012/real_estate/1201/gallery.candidate-homes/index.html

Funny how I know a few people who live in houses that cost more than RP's... maybe he knows how to live within his means? The only one who has not flipflopped. He is awesome! I changed my party affiliation just to vote for him in the primary. I was happy to do so, but it was hard checking that box that said "republicrat"

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I have to chime in here. Romney is rich! He didn't create the loop holes in the tax codes, just uses them to his advantage. Gingrich is a conniving snake. Remember his censure? Remember your wedding vows? For richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part. If he can't be faithful to one woman can we count on him to be faithful to us or the U.S.A? Ron Paul should just go home and enjoy the time with his family. I want a younger person to run for office. And come on guys. If we are paying taxes to pay these people to represent us, we should get what we pay for. If they are not going to WORK vote them out of office. I have never had a job where I could vote my own raise. That has to stop!

In the old days there were two candidates. The winner was president, the runner up was vice president. Maybe we should insist that the winner not be able to choose his or her running mate. That office should be voted on.

I think I'll vote for Ferris. He's the best big wheel in town.
I'm totally loving the interest in RP here!

This one got a few of my middle class friends - http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2012/real_estate/1201/gallery.candidate-homes/index.html

Funny how I know a few people who live in houses that cost more than RP's... maybe he knows how to live within his means? The only one who has not flipflopped. He is awesome! I changed my party affiliation just to vote for him in the primary. I was happy to do so, but it was hard checking that box that said "republicrat"

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See, your post is what the other voters need to read. No other canidate draws in the independents an even gets people to cross party lines. Because of that fact, if RP does not win the nomination Obama will win 4 more years.
Quote: Thanks for showing me that. I must have heard wrong somewhere.

Oh, I am sure you heard what you thought you did. The media has been trying to make him out to be crazy. They are trying to say he wants to cut the military... Heres what he really wants to do.

Also the media is trying to manipulate the people in to thinking he is not even in the race.
I like Gingrich also intellectually he will tear the welfare president to shreds, am looking forward to a debate between the two if only for entertainment. Romney is a mannequin.

well, i like gingrich alot, but rick santorum isn't too bad either. I really can't stand Romney though, he can't even answer a direct question. Plus I am not impressed with his bandwagon mentality
well, Gingrich's personal life has been messy to say the least but I think that is behind him now....hopefully the GOP can rally behind Gingrich instead of splintering into little factions, the last thing we need is multiple candidates vying for votes (think Ross Perot).

I would not be surprised at all if Santorum drops out soon, he has been struggling lately.
well, Gingrich's personal life has been messy to say the least but I think that is behind him now....hopefully the GOP can rally behind Gingrich instead of splintering into little factions, the last thing we need is multiple candidates vying for votes (think Ross Perot).

I would not be surprised at all if Santorum drops out soon, he has been struggling lately.

A leopard's spots may fade, but they never go away.
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