Who is your candidate?

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Rush is right, and the original. Lets see where Stewart is in 30 years. I do listen to Rush on occasion but all I have to really do is watch the national news for entertainment as I get all I need to know about the Kardashians and Brittany Spears. Online local podunk newspapers tell far more truth than the entertainment news. The national news is there for ratings just as much as Stewart or his protege SNL I did not know Bachmann said that, does it? and who is The Lion King? again, I do not watch much television, I will Google Lion King.
Michelle Bachmann would fight for you regardless of your position? Isn't she the one who said The Lion King is teaching children to be gay? I just can't see her fighting for anyone unless they were an evangelical Christian. And now now, chickened, you may make fun of The Daily Show as being a skewed source but don't act like you don't listen to Rush Limbaugh every chance you get.
Stassen and Fernandez in the primary and Mondale.

Sorry, it was none of them. It was Ross Perot (sp). He spoke some truth but I was too blind to see it so I went ahead and voted for Reagan. After that I didn't vote since then and finally got enough gumpton to vote for Obama. Now with all the candidates up there, none of them interest me. Only a matter of time from now and until then, I may or may not vote. I am uncertain where Obama is heading.

Now if Larry the Cable Guy comes arunning for office, I would certainly VOTE for him!
I did like Perot he ran against GH Bush and Clinton. When I was a kid it was Archie Bunker for President.

Sorry, it was none of them. It was Ross Perot (sp). He spoke some truth but I was too blind to see it so I went ahead and voted for Reagan. After that I didn't vote since then and finally got enough gumpton to vote for Obama. Now with all the candidates up there, none of them interest me. Only a matter of time from now and until then, I may or may not vote. I am uncertain where Obama is heading.

Now if Larry the Cable Guy comes arunning for office, I would certainly VOTE for him!
There is no way you don't know what Whack-A-Mole(a game since the 70s) Last Comic Standing or The Lion King is. I don't know who you are trying to impress, I certainly won't judge you for admitting you know of an animated movie. And Rush is original all right. I can't think of any other drug addicts that suggest we execute all drug addicts.
Like I said I do not watch much television I think it makes ones brain soft where no imagination is needed. I do remember the Lion King it was a Disney movie that portrays animals with human capabilities which is not something as an adult that I keep in my head however a fine movie it may be. As for comedy if it berates things that I support than I will usually not retain much of its content or entertain it. Did Rush say that? I beleive he said all drug addicts should be put in jail and all drug dealers be executed referring to lllegal drugs. I don't play video games or other games that take my money.

There is no way you don't know what Whack-A-Mole(a game since the 70s) Last Comic Standing or The Lion King is. I don't know who you are trying to impress, I certainly won't judge you for admitting you know of an animated movie. And Rush is original all right. I can't think of any other drug addicts that suggest we execute all drug addicts.
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When I saw "Rush", I thought you guys were talking about the band at first. I was so excited...I thought I had a mullet club on my hands. Excuse me while my excitement deflates. X)

When I saw "Rush", I thought you guys were talking about the band at first. I was so excited...I thought I had a mullet club on my hands. Excuse me while my excitement deflates. X)

I can understand your disappointment.
I really was kidding, I voted at 18 to get a credit in highschool and have voted ever since. I win about 50% of what I vote for but I usually vote for the lesser of the two evils except when I voted for Reagan...twice who I beleive was the best president post Lincoln.

How are you at picking lottery #'s?.

Hahaha let me find out and get back to ya
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