Who keeps a chair in or near the coop?

We have several chairs just outside their run. One for me and one for each of my kiddos. I often joke that my kids live a pretty exciting life. They watch chickens with me and press the foot on my sewing machine for me for fun.
I had this book written by a couple who shared their chicken raising experiences.(I cant remember the title but I am sure some of you have read it)
Anyway they commented that they never watched their T.V. anymore after getting chickens.
As a child I probably would not have traded the t.v. for chickens, but as adults their simple antics are just what we need sometimes.
So Yes, I can be found out by the chicken run in my lounge chair watching the lastest episode of "As the Feathers Fly" !!!
I have one of those cheap plastic chairs out by the coop. The layers all free range, but the chair is near where I give them treats, so if they see me out there they congregate near me. It is kind of windy out by the coop, so I have my little plastic chair tied to the fence so it won't blow away!
I have a 5 gallon bucket outside the door I just prop upside down. I can sit in the coop for hours just watching the gals and our three gents. This is the first year the coop has been up. Next year I plan to add a little patio off the side of the coop and find some garden chairs and a table so I can sit out there and have my coffee in the morning.

Just sitting out there has really helped with the bonding. My husband commented the other day that he noticed I can walk right up to the turkey poults and not have to chase them like he does. I told him it's because I spend a lot of time with them, and have since they hatched. Even the skittish EEers are getting used to my presence. One of the roos got himself stuck behind our isolation cage, and he actually didn't freak when I went to pull him out like he used to freak out every time I stepped near him. He even hung around for a few seconds after I set him on the coop floor and let me stroke his back, as if he was saying thanks.

Lol about chicken tv. I head out to the coop often when my husband has the remote.
I have a couple of pieces of tree stump placed strategically and a stool I carry out in the yard to watch. I can't imagine not wanting to watch chickens, even if just to see how they are doing, if there are any problems, and if they're healthy!
I do...we spend a lot of quality time with them and it beats tv and video games..especially for the kids!
Me, too! Two chairs, one for me and DH in the shade, facing the coop and run. I actually DID have a child's chair AND a towel inside the coop for the grandgirls, as they hens were smaller. Now that they're grown, the kids don't sit in there with them anymore. And when I let the hens out to free-range, I usually sit in my chair, and they get up on my lap. I love chicken TV! Don't watch any other! (keeps me much happier)

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