Who keeps a chair in or near the coop?


2 with chairs and a patio table all is good, unless I forget to flip the chairs upside down on the table when I leave.......
my coops are close enough to the house i often sit in the kitchen and watch them while having my morning coffee. no kids no problem!! its my chicken/duck :woottime!
I have put a chair in the run, but forgot it in their and the next day it was all pooped on.
I have 3 places where people can sit in my chicken area. I have 2 outside of the pen for people who visit and want to see them but are to grossed out by the poop or think the chickens will peck their head off, and 1 inside the chicken pen.... just for me "
I have a big old log I use as a chair.

I had a chair, they crapped all over it.
I tried one of those gardening kneeling stools and flipped it over so it was stay clean, they started to eat the foam seat cushion.

They do stand on the log and every once in a while I need to clean it up. But I'm amazed at how well it stays clean.
My chair has a vinyl seat, which makes it pretty easy to clean.
. I will take a towel and sit on that too sometimes. I don't mind leaving my chair in the coop. Sometimes I will sit in the doorway of the coop and run to watch them, then I take my towel for sure to sit on.
I have a bucket that I turn over and sit on! Of course that is when I am not sitting on the lawn as they free range. I love watching all the girls, even the boys.
Our chickens free range but enjoy staying in the shade beneath the trees right outside their coop. Of course, we have a chair out there, as well. It's a nice place to relax and watch the chicken antics... better than TV.

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