Who waves to other drivers?

Many people in New York still flash their light to warn others if there is a speedtrap. However, if I feel that another driver is driving recklessly, I'd be appreciative if the police stopped the car.


I hadn't thought about it but people around here do flash their lights to warn of deer on or by the roads ahead. I've always appreciated that as much as the waves.

beak - we've probably flashed our lights at each other on Hwy. 86 sometime!

edited for spelling - I'm not awake yet.
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I think the funniest thing is that the most waves take place on the way to and from the solid waste transfer station. (Which is a ten dollar term for dump.) Maybe its the shared experience, but I can almost always count on everyone waiving on that road. Or maybe its because only locals are taking out the trash at 6:30 AM and no tourists are involved.
Most of the old-timers have died and a few new people have moved in, but we still wave, even to unknown cars passing by when we are sitting outside. Southerners still invite people to sit down for dinner (lunch) occasionally, especially neighbor helping neighbor do something. A few years ago we invited two pest control guys to eat with us, didn't know them, but anyone with manners is invited. Ma'am and Sir are refreshing greetings these days. (There are no cafes or restaurants around here.) I deliberately make some people be friendly. I whispered to a dignified bank clerk Friday, "It's spring!" and she had the biggest grin and said, "I know!" I've noticed that when I feel especially good, people tend to be friendlier toward me.
I agree, same stuff around my way. I drive a tractor trailer and most truckers wave to each other and it is always nice to have anyone in a car wave to you. A little wave and a smile can make your day just a little better. Some people around home wave but not as much as they used to and nothing beats honestly asking someone working in a store or restaurant how they are doing.
The DW and I stay on our kids constantly about saying Sir and Ma'am to adults. This thread makes me want to wave!!!
Waving let folks know that they arent alone on the road. Something like why we shake hands; to show we are friendly and not carrying a weapon. Thats where that tradition started.

I definitely wave, but as previously mentioned sporty car drivers seldom wave so I don't tend to wave to them, although maybe I should make MORE of an effort to wave to them!

Lately I've been experimenting with a thumbs up because it's such a goofy, funny gesture just to see how people will react. Mostly smiles, a few waves back. I haven't gotten another thumbs up back yet but the experiment continues...
here in tombstone, all of the older folks wave, not so much the teen or the mid 20's. Guess its just me... at 23 years old. LOL. I love it. it makes me feel special and like i live in a country town. HAHA i think i do

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