Whole flock infected

Actually I didn't even want to wait for the test results. Everyone told me that it was MG yada yada yada... I started the dead virus MG Vacine on every bird and chick. I culled and put down almost everything. Revacinated in the 2 weeks (not sure 10 days???) And symptoms continued. I continued to cull until almost all were gone. Then the test results came back negetive. It was the Ag director at the State office that offered to test (free) but explained that if positive she has to report it and order the flock closed. I have far less chickens than before and am unfortunatly not hatching for anyone else. I have very few but what I do have are healthy and beautiful. I watch for any irregular symptoms. I cull any symptom and burn the remains until I know what it is it isn't worth keeping if I have to start over again.

now im waiting for a call back from a state of michigan field vet, no use I have the info now

MM MG MS are reportable, with no futher action taken,
AIL is reportable and they will order the whole flock destroyed.
AI reportable and action taken, im sure that means they will order a cull and disinfect.
meraks, no action,reportable
Pollorum and Salmonella, reportable and order flock destroyed

So if its MG i will close my flock accordingly.
All the girls are recovering nicely, i only have 2 which are still struggling with more noticeable symtoms. I am researching the feed thing today, gonna get them to a mix that gets rid of the traditional commericial feeds. I had mix 2 months ago that when i got to the bottom of the bag, it was a clumpy moldy mess.
Everything is going into a galvanized container, so i can check every single thing for mold or dropping before i feed the birdies.

Resolution had one mix Im having no luck finding the gamebird
Silver pullet silkies had yet another one i think .
ive gotton so much information in the last few days I must go back and review!

Wish me luck folks!

Good luck, yeah, the Game Bird Layena is hard to find normally, I just happen to have a Purina dealer that carries it, none of the others around here will.
i know the answer to this but im gonna ask anyways

The test results just came back in the mail and i have a phone call into our state vet

They came back positive for moderate mg and moderate for mycoplasma pullorum..... This means my whole flock needs to be culled... i cant give eggs to anyone nor eat them ourselves? im also assuming my 2 pekin ducks are also carriers.

should i call people who have eggs now and have them thrown out?
to I have to burn my coop and what do i do for the ground? does it survive outside the living host and if so for how long? will oxine with crystals destroy it all?

im reading like mad , in between the tears. All of them have to be destroyed....I just know it, Im heartbroken
good news!
i called the head poultry state vet and talked to him for a bit. They tested positive for Mycoplasma Gallinarum NOT mycoplasma Gallisepicum(sp) also the pullorum is mycoplasma NOT
the one that causes sickness(salmonella)

He says that both of these are completely normal for a flock,no need to cull, birds can leave my property alive. he went over all the symtoms and losses with me after i asked if i should test for anything else and he says no, they sound fine and normal.

Dust and ammonia buildup will cause the symtoms we saw, so will a big change in the weather. We did have the first big cold snap when they showed signs. So I am clean! chicks can be sold or given away!

Ive gone from heartbroken to thrilled in an hour!

so nope chickens still dont get colds, BUT crd symtoms could in fact be caused by dust and cold snaps! That 30 bucks for the test was worth it FOR SURE!

See that's the purpose of worrying yourself sick, THEN when you find out everything is OKAY, the relief is boundless. Wow, what a high!! If you didn't worry and expected everything would turn out fine - where's the joy in that.?I am so happy it did turn out for you.

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