Whole Flock Stopped Laying


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 4, 2011
Orange County
A have a flock of 6 chickens; 4 of them are 1yr old Rhode Island Reds and the other 2 are 11 months old Barnevelders. All of them have been laying for a few months now, but all of a sudden all 6 of them stopped laying.

After I stopped getting eggs, I thought they were hiding them in the backyard somewhere, so I kept them in their coop for around 4 days and I didn't even get one egg.

They go out every single day and are supplemented oyster shells in their mash. Only 1 of my hens is molting right now and they don't have any predators. The only threat they may have is my dogs, but my hens love to peck and chase them so I don't think they have any predators that could of have stopped their production.

Does anybody have any idea what could be wrong?
Heat can cause them to slow down. We are already getting 90 degree temps where I am at. Adding lots of cool water, cool treats (mine like chilled watermelon and blueberries), and shade helps with high temps.
Molting will cause them to stop laying as they need all the protein to grow new feathers. If this is the case then just up their protein in their food to help them through their molt.
Also, lice/mites or other illness can cause them to stop.
Getting stressed out from something scaring the poop out of em' will do it too!

This year the bugs have just exploded in numbers where I am at due to finally getting rain.

Check the base of their feathers around the vent area. If you see tiny flesh colored bugs moving or white eggs at the base of the feathers then yeah you got mites. (if you have crested birds also check their crests too, as the bugs like to hide in their crests) Get some powder with the 5% sevins dust and dust them, their coop, and nest boxes. Also, if you dust all of their favorite dust bath spots then they will self dust themselves when they take their dust bathes. You will need to treat again in another 7 to 10 days to get any newly hatched bugs.

Once you got rid of the bugs you can use DE as a preventative to keep them gone. DE also drys up poop and freshens the coop up between cleanings.

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