Whole Foods - Brand X


8 Years
Feb 25, 2011
Hi all,

I thought I'd share the fun here on guessing the breed of my new years day hatched babies! Our local Whole Foods store sells fertilized eggs (no idea why, maybe magic health enzymes), so I thought I would amuse myself by incubating a 12 pack. Here's what I got:

They came from medium brown eggs, and have straight combs. No spots or dots, just fluffy yellow.

At first I thought I'd get 2nd generation Sex-Links out of these eggs, but the chicks are too uniform in coloration for what I'd expect from that.

They are currently sprouting little white primaries at day two. So I'm starting to lean towards some sort of White Rock mix.

Any guesses? This should be fun and interesting!
Ooopsie, spoke too early, one of the babies finally finished fluffing, and ended up with spots!
California White maybe?

Very exciting! I'm planning to pick up some Whole Foods eggs to incubate today! Can't afford any pure-breed shipped eggs right now, and local breeders are incommunicado, so I'm thrilled to get started this way! I'd love to see how your babies develop.
Well so far they are all feathering out completely white except for the one with the spots. I'm starting to really lean towards the 'tetra-tint' theory.

I've learned more about the hatchery the eggs came from too. Apparently they sell white eggs from Leghorns, and brown eggs from RIRs (though most likely they're just Production Reds). So I'm thinking that these will come out most resembling the Tetra Tint hybrid.

I'm going to do more digging today on Tetra Tint genetics. Maybe play with the chicken calculator. Interesting stuff!
Tetra Tints (pullets)

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Tetra Tints

A light weight bird which is mostly white with at times some brown or even black highlights. The Tretra Tint is a cross between a Rhode Island Red male and a White leghorn female, producing cream colored or "tinted" eggs. She is an excellent producer and adapts well to backyards environments. Healthy Hatcheries is the only mail order hatchery in the U.S. to order this variety.

This is sounding close, but not quite on the mark. These babies are most likely from a cross of White Leghorn males with RIR females since the eggs were brown. Hm.....
Pretty happy news! I candled tonight and it appears that eight out of the 12 are developing for sure! Three are maybes - difficult to see much because of their porous shells - and one is a clear. I will recandle in a week and post the results!

I'm posting results in the below thread as well, where you'll find much more information on this topic: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/...hing-club-are-you-a-member/1130#post_10289159

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