Whole foods?

KDog..Ive been away from my computer...which means away from BYC...I have not/refuse to be on BYC on my phone.

I have not done squat in the last few weeks to lose any weight.
BUT guess what ...I HAVE lost weight!

I stopped...completely stopped buying c r a p ..junk food.....which means I can't eat it!! (this is perfect when you want it but can't find it in your kitchen!)

I so BAD wanted to cheat today and "Splurge" and get some type of fast food...but I "controlled" my urge and didn't!

How are your fish?

You're smart! I don't have a laptop atm (need to set up the new one still) so I do everything on the phone and am constantly on it :(

But wow that's amazing! Congrats!

Good call on getting rid of junk, I gotta do that

I've been good about getting no fast food but I've been going to Subway like daily, sometimes two subs a day lol and I was trying to avoid getting chips or I'd get them but not eat them and getting lemonade or water and not Coke. But lately I've been getting and eating the chips and today I got cookies instead of chips and been getting Coke lol

Two died :(

But the rest are doing well
Hmm just saw this thread...

Problem with "diets" is you tend to restrict yourself too much, and then you end up splurging, then you feel bad, restrict, splurge, feel bad, etc. The more you do that the harder it becomes to get weight off. So I haven't dieted in years and don't ever plan to again.

You'll probably have more success long term if instead of trying to cut everything out, you take a more gradual approach. So instead of "That's it, no more soda ever!" look realistically at how many you have a day, and think, is there a spot you can cut out a can? Or if you can't do that every day, do it every other day.

It also seems you like eating out as well so one change you can try is cooking more at home, even if you start with just 1 meal a week. Or if your family members usually cook maybe you can tell them that you'd like to do 1 dinner a week. Obviously try to choose "healthier" recipes rather than something like "Mega cheesy beef and bacon nachos!" - that's really not much better than running to the nearest fast food place. Better options that are also easy to make would be pasta with a veggie laden sauce (add fresh spinach and sauteed onions to jarred sauce), seasonal vegetable soups (I have one for each season, and they all cook up in one pot), stir fries (traditionally uses very little oil, and if you double the veggies and halve the meat it's still good). Whenever I look at recipes I always try to figure out if I can bulk it up with vegetables or fruit and cut out some of the meat, carbs, fats... it's a good way to get to eat something I crave, but with healthier ingredients.

As far as junk food cravings, see if you can find substitutes that might be a little better, i.e. frozen bananas or yogurt flavored with homemade jam instead of ice cream, or squares of dark chocolate instead of a sugary candy bar. But the occasional donut or bag of chips is fine - better that you eat a little of that once in a while instead of trying to force yourself to stop and then eating a half dozen donuts at once! I do love junk food so I know it's a real battle, but I guess I'm also not so in love with it because if I don't buy enough for the week, I can't be bothered to go buy more so I'll just do without for the rest of the week.

And take Gator for more walks! I don't consider walking my dogs to be optional, it's twice a day: rain, snow, or shine.
Thanks so much for all the great info! Between this and the dog training stuff, you've been really helpful.

Yeah, I'm thinking a diet might be a bad plan but trying to cut some things out and making more meals at home are great ideas. I actually don't really drink much soda now. I used to a lot but mostly drink water now. So maybe that's one thing I could cut? I usually get it when I go to fast food places. But maybe I can try that method with my snacking

I hadn't thought of adding more veggies to recipes! That's a great idea! I'll try that, thanks :)

Although I think my biggest problem right now is I'm too lazy to cook. I've been told I'm great it when I do but I'm lazy. Maybe I could be less lazy. My other problem is I go to sleep and wake up too late so my eating is all messed up too and not really on a schedule. And, maybe most importantly, I go to school Tuesdays and Thursdays and I usually wake up too late to eat breakfast and then there's a Subway right next to the school so I usually go there for lunch :/ I guess I could come home, walk the dog, grab something to eat, then go to class. Instead of driving to Subway or junk food. Or I could get healthier options at Subway. I usually get it on Italian and no veggies haha

Wow, those are great ideas for the junk food cravings! I'm going to try some pf those! Even though I just bought lots of junk :/

And yeah, I think I'll take him on more walks. He mostly sleeps so I never really think he needs it since he doesn't bug me but ALL dogs need some exercise and it's not fair. Even if it's just to the mailbox (our driveway is probably at least 1500 feet). Or a little playing too even
If you've already begun cutting out soda (which are 100% empty calories) that's already a good start. I wouldn't completely cut it out cold turkey, I know how cravings get especially when you think you CAN'T have something, but even if you save it for "only special occasions" or "only weekends" that's already a start. Plus at fast food places they'll generally hand you a water cup for free - you're saving a buck by not having the soda and getting something better to drink.

The "easy" way to get veggies into recipes is to substitute them for some of the meat. Examples: if I'm making Philly cheesesteak, instead of 1 lb of sliced steak I use 1/2 lb meat and 1 or 2 sliced portobello mushrooms (plus the onions and peppers of course). Cooking the mushrooms with the meat and it all pretty much looks and tastes the same in the end. And instead of serving it in a huge hoagie roll I load it up on a wheat flatbread and eat it like pizza. Or with sloppy joes, again instead of 1 lb of meat I'll do 2/3 lb, and then finely dice onions, carrots, mushrooms, cook them together in a homemade sauce, and then when serving I use smaller buns and serve it open faced so the plate looks fuller (which tricks your mind into thinking it's more food) and forces you to slow down as well which gives your stomach more time to register that it's been fed. And of course I'll have a veggie or fruit side along with that, like baked parsnip fries, roasted spiced broccoli, apple slices sprinkled with a little cinnamon.

Even if I make something super simple like mac and cheese out of a box (I crave weird things!) I throw in frozen mixed veggies like peas, corn, carrots while cooking. It doesn't take any extra time but it at least makes a junk lunch a little less "junky" plus it honestly makes it less boring too.

You don't have to cook frequently to make an impact. If you can manage just 1 time a week to start, that's already better than nothing. I also like to make extra portions (I have 2 in my household, I cook for 3 or 4) so I always know what's for lunch the next day. Things like soup are easy to make in even bigger batches and then refrigerate or even freeze for later. A crockpot is a magical thing for super busy people.

Obviously on school days it probably is easier to eat out (and half the time you're running around thinking gotta work on a paper, gotta go to library, need time to study), but even then, try to pick things that are smarter choices. If you start making it a habit to pause and think about what you're ordering it does get easier over time. Subway is always tricky because the perception is that it's always better than a burger, but if you get a footlong with all meat and extra cheese and mayo, that's not really better (salads are another trap... most salads are hidden calorie bombs due to the toppings and dressing).

Remember you don't have to force yourself to "eat well" ALL the time - if you're just dying for pepperoni pizza one day, have the pizza, don't feel bad about it - and once that craving is satisfied, pick something that's better for the next meal. You don't get anywhere getting mad at yourself for wanting that pizza.

I think it would also help a lot if you made some sort of basic schedule - we all tend to eat more when we're running around and unaware of time and then suddenly you're hungry and you're walking by a Cinnabon. I try to eat around the same time each day. I even generally have my cup of coffee around the same time each day. I always take the dogs out at the same time each day (they happily remind me if I'm even 5 min late). And then everything else I have to do just falls into the spaces in between, and life feels a little less hectic.
Wow you're really creative! I never thought of making a steak & cheese, sloppy joe, or mac & cheese healthier or that it was even possible!! Thanks! I'm definitely going to try out recipes like that.

I also got this great app that givez you meal plans for the week that I might use, even if it's just for one meal or one day, etc. And it even gives you a grocery list of what to buy! It's called Mealime

Making extra food is a great idea and then I would have to cook less too. I might start doing that.

But yeah, I usually always get a foot long roast beef, turkey, or tuna, with American or provolone cheese (provolone is usually on the tuna) on Italian or Italian herb & cheese, with mayo, salt, and pepper, and no veggies.... i guess I could add veggies or get a healthier bread choice or perhaps even a wrap? Or one of the healthier sub options too instead of lunch meat. They have so many choices I never remember or look much ha and I usually get the meal deal so chips and a drink or sometimes I get the 2 cookies instead. Terrible, I know. hah

Thanks, that's a good point and good to know i dont necessarily have to eat healthy all the time.

Yeah, I do think a schedule would probably really help. Not just the diet but maybe I could sleep better and more regular too and it'd help with school too
So just looking at your "usual" Subway choice, this is what I would suggest (also I don't eat there much, so some of my suggestions might not be things they offer. Best bet is to check with your local stores to see what they do have).

Roast beef is actually a pretty good choice for a cold cut, probably one of the best. Turkey isn't bad though usually higher in sodium. Tuna is probably dressed in quite a bit of mayo. So roast beef then turkey then tuna would be my choices, in that order.

For bread I'd pick whatever sort of wheat or multi-grain that was available. Something like whole wheat or whole grain would be even better but that might not be an option.

Instead of both cheese and mayo, try getting one or the other, maybe alternating it each day for a little variety. Cheese is usually a better option in terms of nutrition but some people would rather have mayo. If you like avocados (I don't) they probably charge extra for it but that's another way to get something that's creamy and fatty that's a healthier option than just mayo. If you just can't live without both cheese and mayo, ask for just a little mayo so they don't just slather the thing with it.

Definitely add some veggies! Better for you and it'll make the whole sandwich more filling. My usual toppers from Subway would be lettuce, bell pepper, tomato but I think they have some other veggie options now that you may like better.

If you get a footlong, don't get the meal deal, it's just a lot of food plus then you end up with a soda when you could just get a cup of water instead. If you really want a side with it buy bananas or apples and carry one with you. If the cookies or chips really sound too good to pass up, get a 6" and then enjoy the cookie so you're not eating a large sandwich plus all the extras.
Good advice! Thank you!

They also have lots of other stuff like chicken breast (like pieces not deli meat) and meatball, Italian, carved turkey breast, steak and cheese, etc., tons of options and combinations. So would getting chicken or one of the healthier options besides cold cuts be better?

They have a 9 grain wheat I think and I think also wraps and flat breads.

Good idea on getting one or the other instead of both cheese and mayo. I don't usually like the sandwich dry but i also like cheese so idk. But I think they have light mayo too and if i got another sub i wouldn't even need mayo. They have tons of other sauces

Hmmm, yeah I normally don't like veggies but I will have to get some. I think they have lettuce, tomato, bell peppers, banana peppers, jalapenos, i think pickles?, onion, spinach, etc. etc.

And hmmm, yeah, I won't get the meal deal anymore. I got just soda today and no chips or cookies.
So I just took a look at Subway's menu page and they do have nutritional charts. Taking a glance at some of the things you listed...

- "Default" half-foot oven roasted chicken on 9-grain bread with veggies is 350 cal.
- Meatball is 160 cals more but 3x the amount of fat and fat calories and 4x the saturated fat of the chicken.
- Italian is slightly less fat/calorie dense than meatball but even higher in sodium than meatball (a single Italian foot long contains all the sodium you should have in a day, due to the salty cold cuts).
- Carved turkey is a pretty decent choice, fairly similar to turkey cold cuts.
- Steak & cheese is kind of in between the turkey/chicken and the meatball/Italian. Not as high in calories or fats but higher than the poultry choices.

Overall the roast beef and oven roasted (or rotisserie) chicken are the "best" meat choice. Steak & cheese isn't bad for a treat if I have to choose among the other options.

You can try other sauces if you don't like a dry sandwich (my hubby hates dry sandwiches so I know how that goes) - not sure what your location has. I see a honey mustard listed which might be a good option though they don't have nutrition info on it. When I do eat mayo and cheese I actually avoid "light" options - I would rather eat a moderate amount of the full fat food rather than a version that needs fillers or additives to lessen the calories. So I would use 50% less regular mayo rather than a "full serving" of light mayo.

If you don't like all the veggies you've listed don't feel like you MUST pile all of them on. Pick ones that you do like better, even if it's just a couple of them, because it's important that you eat them (and if you hate pickles or hate onions, let's face it, you just end up not eating them) and that you get into the habit of thinking about them so you remember to order them.

IMO It's all about building awareness. I'm more of the mindset of setting long term habits rather than getting short term results, that's why I no longer believe in diets. That only helps for a little while. Making smart gradual changes will do you more good than just losing 5 or 10 lbs for a month, and it'll stick with you far longer.

** And just so it's clear I'm not a dietician, a nutritionist, a doctor, (or a dog trainer LOL) - obviously if your doctor is giving you advice you need to listen to him! What I am is someone who loves to eat and snack but got tired of dieting and never seeing results, and had digestion issues because of all the junk food, and then started realizing that friends and family were getting unhealthier too because we were all making the same type of bad choices. I've never been skinny (average is about the right word) but I can still fit in the same clothes I was wearing 10, 20 years ago, and I no longer have constant stomach problems, so maintaining what I have is my only goal now.
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Wow thanks so much for all your help!!

I think I'm going to try ordering some different things instead of getting the same boring thing haha

Maybe I could try like spinach and tomato?

I might try the sweet onion chicken teriyaki, my parents love it haha

And hmmm, yeah awareness does seem to be important and I gotta start working on that

And i hate raw onions haha

But wow that's awesome :)
Today I got a little bit healthier sub. Turkey on 9 grain honey oat with spinach (cause the lettuce is kinda gross, shredded and mostly iceburg lol), tomato, mayo, and salt and pepper. And cheese. Not sure I'll enjoy the veggies but better than my usual - Italian bread, no veggies LOL

I did get a Coke and chips though but hey, healthy sub ha


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