Whole foods?

you crack me up!

6 goldfish??

Are they the little ones that stay in an indoor tank or those big ones that people keep in ponds?
wait a minute...im thinking of the koi fish...i think.

Sorry for rambling so much and going on and on about the **** fish LOL
How about a suggestion...I'm more than willing to keep posting encouragement and I believe Kiki is too. How about you do one thing towards your goal tomorrow, and share it with us? It doesn't have to be anything huge. One walk with your dog, one healthy meal (have you tried your soups yet? I've never seen those and wondered what they'd be like). Just one thing to get you started.

Regarding fish...well I had a betta too. Then I felt bad that he was in a little bowl so I bought him a big bowl. Then a 2 gallon tank...when it was all said and done, he lived a glorious life in a 10 gallon tank with a heater, plants, decorative stones, and fish toys. He lived far longer than bettas are supposed to live and now I'm getting nostalgic and want another fish, even though that was over a decade ago!
How about a suggestion...I'm more than willing to keep posting encouragement and I believe Kiki is too. How about you do one thing towards your goal tomorrow, and share it with us? It doesn't have to be anything huge. One walk with your dog, one healthy meal (have you tried your soups yet? I've never seen those and wondered what they'd be like). Just one thing to get you started.

Regarding fish...well I had a betta too. Then I felt bad that he was in a little bowl so I bought him a big bowl. Then a 2 gallon tank...when it was all said and done, he lived a glorious life in a 10 gallon tank with a heater, plants, decorative stones, and fish toys. He lived far longer than bettas are supposed to live and now I'm getting nostalgic and want another fish, even though that was over a decade ago!

That's a great idea, thank you! I think I will definitely do that :)

And I'll let you know how the soups are!

Aww sounds like your betta had a great life!

Most of my previous bettas lived in bowls and didn't live very long but i had one a year or two ago and it was a similar situation to yours. I bought him impulsively I admit but I got him I think a 2.5 gallon tank or 5.5 or something, because it was cheaper than a bowl, but I had plastic plants but not many and so he had like no decoration, it was boring and scary, and I also wasnt that interested and didnt take very good care of him at first (i know, i suck :/ ) anyway, finally i started asking some fish people and eventually I too upgraded him to a fabulous 10 gallon tank with live plants and hiding spots, heater (i even bought a new one when I was told mine didn't work that well), filter, and everything. He got better and was thriving. But then I started losing interest again so I got rid of him. I wish I hadn't.
GOOD JOB! That is a fantastic start!

Is it a stationary bike or like one you ride outside?

Thanks! I wasn't going to but I felt kinda bad from lounging and thought lounging more might make me feel worse so I thought I'd go on the bike. Then I thought only 5 minutes, then 15 or 20 at most, but got carried away LOL the music was too good
i even turned the resistance up for some of it.

It is a stationary bike. Got for $10 (actually $7, was on sale :p ) at Saver's lol my dad needed one to ride for his PT.

Although eventually I'd like to ride a real bike around, more fun haha

We have an elliptical too I might start using
I wish I could find a stationary bike that cheap! I used to go to a gym and ride one while watching TV. I didn't even really notice the exercise since I'd get involved in the TV show. Same thing with the elliptical. There's a small gym that's free that I go to now, and people always think it's funny because I watch Food Network while I exercise. But hey, I love Chopped and Unwrapped and Cupcake Wars! It might seem weird to look at desserts while burning calories, but it works!
I wish I could find a stationary bike that cheap! I used to go to a gym and ride one while watching TV. I didn't even really notice the exercise since I'd get involved in the TV show. Same thing with the elliptical. There's a small gym that's free that I go to now, and people always think it's funny because I watch Food Network while I exercise. But hey, I love Chopped and Unwrapped and Cupcake Wars! It might seem weird to look at desserts while burning calories, but it works!

We got lucky! Lol its an older model too so that's probably why but yeah. Lucky find. The elliptical my dad bought new a couple years ago.

Free gym!? Wow!

And lol hey, if it works it works! That's a great idea lol
Well, I just got done with 30 minutes on the treadmill! I figured it'd be hypocritical of me to encourage you to exercise, and not do it myself, and I've been slacking the last few days. I don't really mind running outside, but can't do that now since it's winter and snowy. So treadmill it is. Listening to upbeat music helps me keep a somewhat steady pace, although it's a combo of walking and running.
Well, I just got done with 30 minutes on the treadmill! I figured it'd be hypocritical of me to encourage you to exercise, and not do it myself, and I've been slacking the last few days. I don't really mind running outside, but can't do that now since it's winter and snowy. So treadmill it is. Listening to upbeat music helps me keep a somewhat steady pace, although it's a combo of walking and running.

Aw great job! I normally hate running but I've been thinking of starting it up. it's been pretty good weather here. And exercise is exercise :)

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