We know how hard shipping is on eggs, and especially on large eggs like peahen eggs, and this is tough on sellers and buyers. Well I just felt that I had to let you guys know of GREAT experiences I have consistently had with one seller who ships eggs.
Last year I purchased A LOT of eggs in 2's and 3's from LOTS of different ebay sellers, though strangely enough only from one BYCer that I know of, and they were the best. This was Spectrum ranch. They sent 2 sets of eggs and I think I half of all the chicks that hatched last were from those 2 sets. These eggs had come a long way to California.
This year they have sent 2 sets, one of 5 and one of 10 eggs.
Of the first set 4/5 are doing great and due to hatch this week
I briefly candled the second set of 10 eggs. It really was way too early to candle - but anyway I think most, or at least all the light shelled eggs I could see into look promising
. Thank you Randy!!!!
At the same time as Randy sent the first lot this year I got sent 6 eggs from ebay and 5 were totally blank.
I do think that what happens to eggs before they leave the seller is important to how well they tolerate shipping.
It may be a really good reason to know who you are getting your eggs from, and focus on the BYC sellers.
Last year I purchased A LOT of eggs in 2's and 3's from LOTS of different ebay sellers, though strangely enough only from one BYCer that I know of, and they were the best. This was Spectrum ranch. They sent 2 sets of eggs and I think I half of all the chicks that hatched last were from those 2 sets. These eggs had come a long way to California.
This year they have sent 2 sets, one of 5 and one of 10 eggs.
Of the first set 4/5 are doing great and due to hatch this week
I briefly candled the second set of 10 eggs. It really was way too early to candle - but anyway I think most, or at least all the light shelled eggs I could see into look promising
At the same time as Randy sent the first lot this year I got sent 6 eggs from ebay and 5 were totally blank.
I do think that what happens to eggs before they leave the seller is important to how well they tolerate shipping.
It may be a really good reason to know who you are getting your eggs from, and focus on the BYC sellers.