Whooping Cough!

But, Texaschickmama, don't you think the problem could be that we don't offer free immunization to all, as does every other civilized country? The point isn't "illegals." he point is people, of any status, who don't have health insurance. I have numerous American born and bred patients who are not fully immunized because the choice was food or the doctor's office.

Blaming our societal ills, on "those illegals" seems like ducking the problem, now doesn't it? Treating everyone for illnesses is far more expensive than just providing decent preventive care, for free, to everyone.
I'm sorry, I have a BIG problem with my tax dollars going to fund illegal aliens and their health needs. We work hard for our money. With all due respect, they are called illegal aliens for a reason. They broke the law to get here, so I have no regret in saying that they should be shipped back to where they came from and let their own people pay for their health needs or whatever. I don't want my money going to that. Also, I thought people could go to the local Health Dept and get vaccinated. I'm just expressing my opinion on the matter, all due respect.
texaschickmama, this may be the case where you live, but here in New England a lot of our pertussis reservoirs come from Americans who don't vaccinate for whatever reason. I personally got pertussis, years ago, from an elderly Amish woman who was being treated in the same hospital that was treating my husband for back problems--she was in the waiting room with me for a few hours. There are many preventable diseases that are now making a comeback due to drops in vaccination rates, pertussis is only one of them.

Also, not every state health department is diligent about stocking vaccines. Where I used to live in Ohio, the state health department only stocked minimal quantities of pediatric vaccines and only made them available for two hours on a Wednesday morning. Even hospitals regularly ran out of Hep B vaccines for their own workers, who were at high risk of exposure.
Maybe we should push our own government to supply the local Health Dept so they have enough vaccines to go to legal residents of the USA. I don't have a problem with that.

This thread is about someone who is sick with whooping cough, I'm sorry for hijacking this thread, I just stated my opinions, as did other people, please feel better with your cough.
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I hope you are feeling much better soon!

(Not to OP) Remember: It doesn't really matter which group or person brings in a sickness. It's your job to make sure you and your kids are vaccinated and get booster shots. Then it doesn't matter; you won't get sick. The health department is a great place to get very inexpensive shots if you don't have good health insurance.
Thank you, everyone. Yesterday was the absolute worst, and though I expect I'll be coughing for a while, I think I'll be okay. It's my husband's turn now, poor guy. Just brought him some ginger tea, and he looks like hell. Meanwhile, one kid is done with it, one recovering lke me and one more going down fast . . .

Count ourselves lucky to have health insurance, jobs with sick days, so many things we should all be able to expect. We feel awful right now, but all of us know we'll be fine.

I would gladly extend all these rights to my hard working brothers and sisters, whether so called "legals" or "illegals."

Nuff said.

Stay healthy, y'all.
Whooping cough is very serious, especially in small children. There is a growing anti-vaccination movement in this country. There are many who advocate "natural immunity"; most of them are too young to remember what things were like before. I also am to young to remember, but I read and I've listened to my parents and grandparents. My MIL talks about summers when she was a kid where no one went to church, movie theaters, swimming, etc because of polio outbreaks. My father was routinely sent home from school because whenever he coughed he whooped. Vaccininate!!!!! DPT and MMR vacines are your friends. There are some very nasty diseases making a comeback. Here in Austin we've had a small typhus outbreak, which may be a new variety to this area. Some people think that global warming will change disease distributions, making things like dengue fever more widespread in the southern states.

Chickie, sorry you're doing so poorly at your house. How long does this thing last? Hoping you feel better.

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