Who's are who's?


13 Years
Oct 7, 2011
Raymond, New Hampshire
My Coop
My Coop
I have only been able to spy on the girls on the weekends since I work during the week and they lay when I'm not home.
For the life of me, I can't figure out which hen layed which egg. They seem to elude me every weekend. It's driving me crazy

Can anyone help me?

The girls. Roxie the Plymouth Barred Rock and Shirley the NH Red Both are 20 months old.

The eggs
I can definitively state two of those eggs were laid by one of those pullets and the other two were from the other pullet.

Sorry that's the best I can do. Hope someone else knows brown eggs better.
I really thought it was the other way around, but they keep going into and out of the boxes back and forth in the morning and I'm running out there in my bathrobe every 5 minutes to check. Hubby thinks I'm wacko!
I feel the same way! I have 16 girls, and a few are confusing me.

Some keep going into the nesting boxes and getting out without laying.

My BR definitely lays much lighter eggs than my Production Red. My BR lays the lightest eggs of all my girls
I feel the same way! I have 16 girls, and a few are confusing me.

Some keep going into the nesting boxes and getting out without laying.

My BR definitely lays much lighter eggs than my Production Red. My BR lays the lightest eggs of all my girls

I have been trying to guess by their ear colors, but they both seem the same. Argh!
I just wish I could catch them in the act. Can a chicken be trained to sign their eggs!
If it is that important to you, put food coloring in their vents early in the morning and see if you get colors on the egg shells. I've heard of people using lipstick but I'm not trying to explain to my wife or anyone else why I'm putting lipstick on a chicken's vent.

Ewww for the lipstick!

I have not yet tried the food colouring. Can't really be bothered

Barred rocks usually don't lay dark eggs. My PR lays the darkest brown of all my girls, and your girl looks just like her.

The ear colour is only indicative of the colour of the egg, not the shade. Both will lay brown.
I just went and took pictures so you could compare


Barred rock on left, production red on right



ETA: I watch them lay their eggs. I have a covered barn that blocks the elements, so I spend a lot of time with them.
I am 100% sure who's eggs are who for mine.
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