Who's Hatching Ducks? Hatch With Us!! *Page 3*

I forgot to mention they went out to the shed today to a brooder cage. They had got real STINKY "Phew"
Theres no smell thats like wet duck poop
You can put your nose RIGHT UP AGAINST the window with your flashlight, if you like. Just DO NOT OPEN THE HATCHER LID...

STEP AWAY FROM THE LID!!!! You're doing a great job. I am proud of you. Keep DuckyBoys away from the lid too!
OMG if you look at some post way back i was blurry eyed looking in the bater.
I checked like every 5 minutes to see if they had zipped it was a long 3 days

I completely killed the batteries in my little mag light.
Oh I just have to tell someone who understands!! Seven little ducklings hatched out for me starting Saturday nite & ending this morning!

Six are Khaki Campbells & one is a Mallard (one of my "extra" eggs!)

I don't have pictures....yet, but I will try to get some.

I'm just sooooo excited! They are happily sleeping in their brooder right now...all exhausted, I suppose.
I now have a brooder coop - only have Squishy out there with the chickens, though, Spiffy and Sloopy are still too little to go out there.

I'm waiting til they are fully feathered to put them into the waterfowl pen. I'd like to put them all out at once, even though Squishy is a lot older (by two or three weeks) I figure there is more safety in numbers.

Not sure what to do with the geeses when they hatch - I have brooders inside still, just got another big one today (cause I've got chicks coming and hopefully can pick up some more barred rocks thursday at the feedstore) plus I have the playpen, etc... I have places, just not sure which brooder to stick whom into

I have 6 BR chicks left - I had about 20 of them. Every time I get some for myself to raise up, someone comes over buying chicks and buys them all. They're pretty popular around here.

You think thats bad i had to evict 10 chicks to move the ducks to the brooder.
Had to move a pair of pigeons so the chicks could have their cage and a light.
I just bought 21 Red Gold Pheasant eggs to go in the bater.

This madness never ends i just caught myself saturday asking a friend about more duck eggs
Mojo Chick'n :

I know, I read the other posts - I hope it isn't THAT long, though

I'm just so glad they're alive - I was positive they were trash. I'm glad I came here and someone (can't recall who right now) told me to leave em.


I did, I did!!!!! cause my pilgrims were supposed to hatch at day 30, and it was day 30 flipping six! #^! before they started rocking and rolling as if it was a party in the bator! One rocked so hard it knocked a serama egg out of alignment (I have them in neat little rows, I'm a little ocd with my eggs)

six days late, six days rocking, and four days from pip to out after I had to zip them...and they still nearly pulled their bellies out of their stomach hole and had to make a saran wrap diaper for them.

be prepared for a LOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNG wait!

it is SO worth it...I made a sling-type thing for them to rest at my bosom all day. they talk to me and know their names...lucky and clover. Both are BOYS.

Happy Hatching!!!

I ordered six more pilgrim goose eggs from a second source so I can have non-related mating pairs the day they hatched finally. I didn't think geese were anything but mean and obnoxious...not cute and loving and addictive!!!!!!
Worse than chickens....I love these little guys!​

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