Who's laying the dark brown egg that keeps getting darker??


In the Brooder
Jun 27, 2018
Hey everyone, I have a mystery that needs to be solved.

The Ladies in Question:
1 White Leghorn
1 Brown Leghorn
1 Dark Brahma
1 Jersey Giant


I keep getting some dark brown eggs and I'm not sure who's been laying them! Whoever's been laying them, the shell is getting darker and darker. You can see in the picture (the eggs in the red circle) were from two different days. The lighter one was taken a few days ago and today was the really dark one in the back. It's either the Brahma or the Jersey Giant. Has anyone had some darker brown eggs from either of the breeds?

That blue and black chicken looks like it has Marans in it, is that a possibility ?

I actually have no idea! I'm new to chickens, I just got them from a feed store. She kind of looks maran ish.

I believe that is a Welsumer but I would wait for someone else to confirm that I am correct. Red earlobe = Not a Leghorn. And it looks exactly like the Welsumer I once had.

Ahh ok yeah no white earlobes as far as I can tell. It would kind of solve the mystery since Welsummers lay dark brownish eggs. But I have days where I pick up two white eggs, then who's laying the second white egg?
I can't figure out if a Jersey Giant or Brahma might end up with a white egg. I would guess Brahma. I have no idea what their eggs are like though. I wouldn't put it past a white leghorn to lay 2 eggs in a day... although that would be rare. If any breed could do that it would be a White Leghorn. However I wouldn't count on it happening multiple times.

(thats likely not what is going on, just saying its possible)

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